Despite being totally overwhelmed and under super amounts of stress this semester, I haven't gotten below an 80% on a single assignment (save an essay I got a 74% on, but we were able to redo it, and my redo I'm expecting higher than 80).
I'm currently in the library, having just finished an assignment for Methods of Social Research and an essay for Counseling Theories and Techniques. Have I mentioned yet that at the end of this semester, I'll have finished all the requirements for my psychology minor?
Eek. I guess that means it's nearly time for me to be a grown-up.
Now that is a scary thought.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Friday, October 14, 2011
The way you move is so outrageous.
Ahhh! I've been so busy, it's been super tough to keep up on all my blogs!
What's been going on? Lots of school work. I'm beginning to see why people only take four classes, it's tough. But I'm chugging along with only minor setbacks due to me having the flu and an eye infection at the beginning of the week.
Katie and I went home for the long weekend last weekend, and it was a lot of fun! Friday night I saw Ted, Dylan and Samantha, we went out for fried ice cream and went for a drive. Then I went to Katie's and went for a night walk with her, James and Jeff. That night is the nights that memories are made out of, from Ted belting out 'Man, I feel like a woman!' from the backseat of my car to diving into bushes when cars come for no good reason except that we felt like diving, then running up the street laughing with your closest friends.
Saturday I worked for my sister, then hung out with Samantha and Dylan for awhile. We got ice cream again, and it was really warm out. We sat outside of Par-Tee Freeze like it was the middle of summer, and it made me super nostalgic for the summer that should have been. Then I accompanied Katie and James on a Wendy's run.
Sunday, I worked 1-6, and then baked the BEST apple crisp I've ever had with Samantha (Katie supervised/went on Facebook). Then Ted, Britney, James and Dylan all came over and we had a bonfire, then Jay drove down and finished out the bonfire with us. :) On Monday, I was sick as hell, but somehow managed to convince myself I was fine and went out with Katie and Jeff anyway. That night I watched Bridesmaids with Ted and played with Fluffy, who got huge the few weeks I've been at school.
Tuesday I went to the doctor's and laid low all day. I was miserable. I moved from my bed only to go to the couch.
And now here I am, hello!
What's been going on? Lots of school work. I'm beginning to see why people only take four classes, it's tough. But I'm chugging along with only minor setbacks due to me having the flu and an eye infection at the beginning of the week.
Katie and I went home for the long weekend last weekend, and it was a lot of fun! Friday night I saw Ted, Dylan and Samantha, we went out for fried ice cream and went for a drive. Then I went to Katie's and went for a night walk with her, James and Jeff. That night is the nights that memories are made out of, from Ted belting out 'Man, I feel like a woman!' from the backseat of my car to diving into bushes when cars come for no good reason except that we felt like diving, then running up the street laughing with your closest friends.
Saturday I worked for my sister, then hung out with Samantha and Dylan for awhile. We got ice cream again, and it was really warm out. We sat outside of Par-Tee Freeze like it was the middle of summer, and it made me super nostalgic for the summer that should have been. Then I accompanied Katie and James on a Wendy's run.
Sunday, I worked 1-6, and then baked the BEST apple crisp I've ever had with Samantha (Katie supervised/went on Facebook). Then Ted, Britney, James and Dylan all came over and we had a bonfire, then Jay drove down and finished out the bonfire with us. :) On Monday, I was sick as hell, but somehow managed to convince myself I was fine and went out with Katie and Jeff anyway. That night I watched Bridesmaids with Ted and played with Fluffy, who got huge the few weeks I've been at school.
Tuesday I went to the doctor's and laid low all day. I was miserable. I moved from my bed only to go to the couch.
And now here I am, hello!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I'm on track to graduate!
I just got in from a meeting with my adviser and it went so well. Let me start out by saying that I really like my adviser; she's a sweet older nun who really seems to care about her students. When I officially declare my major (another story altogether, to be honest) I'm going to miss her.
Last semester I was not a good student. First of all, statistics is the devil's way of beating self-confidence to a pulp. Second, after Ryan's accident, I dropped off the face of the Earth. I'm not making excuses for my poor grades, but that's what happened. Ryan's accident happened at a really pivotal point in the semester--a little less than 3/4s of the way through, when papers and exams are starting to get even more serious and studying outweighs almost anything else you could be doing.
I didn't have the emotional capacity to even be away from my family for a few weeks, never mind write papers on gender and inequality. When I came back to school, I managed to make up for most of my lost time and I didn't fail anything. My GPA, however, suffered greatly, and I was put on academic probation.
That isn't who I am, you know. I'm good at school. I don't usually have to work too hard to maintain good grades and my GPA usually hovers around 3.2. When I got the letter explaining academic probation and the restrictions it has on me, one of the restrictions was that I could only take 16 credits.
Each class at Emmanuel counts for 4 credit hours and most students only take 4 classes per semester to graduate on time. This means I could only take 4 classes. In order to graduate on time, I have to take 20 credit hours (5 classes) for the next four semesters.
I struggled at first with this news, but slowly came to terms with it. If I have to stay an extra semester at Emmanuel, I will. I want my college degree. No, I need my college degree. Graduating college is something that's very important to me, and if it meant graduating in January 2014, I'd do it. Of course I'd do it.
(Why? I've come this far in my academic career, it would be dumb to drop out now. If I were to drop out, what would I do? Work at Dolci the rest of my life? No thank you, I smell when I come home from working there. Education was really important to my grandfather. I'll be the first one in my immediate family with a college degree. My parents are going to be so proud when I get my diploma, a diploma I worked my butt off for. It's like a big slap in the face to everyone who doubted me. Like, haha! I succeeded! The party we'll have for my sister's high school graduation and my college graduation is going to be epic. Not everyone can do this, you know. I want to be able to show the world what I'm worth. But talk minus action is worthless; I can spout off all my abilities whenever I want, but they aren't going to prove anything to anyone. That degree is what matters.)
Today, I found out that I am, in fact, a junior. I will graduate on time. I will walk across that stage adorned in blue and gold, and I will receive a diploma without having to go to school an extra semester.
Words cannot describe how excited I am right now.
Last semester I was not a good student. First of all, statistics is the devil's way of beating self-confidence to a pulp. Second, after Ryan's accident, I dropped off the face of the Earth. I'm not making excuses for my poor grades, but that's what happened. Ryan's accident happened at a really pivotal point in the semester--a little less than 3/4s of the way through, when papers and exams are starting to get even more serious and studying outweighs almost anything else you could be doing.
I didn't have the emotional capacity to even be away from my family for a few weeks, never mind write papers on gender and inequality. When I came back to school, I managed to make up for most of my lost time and I didn't fail anything. My GPA, however, suffered greatly, and I was put on academic probation.
That isn't who I am, you know. I'm good at school. I don't usually have to work too hard to maintain good grades and my GPA usually hovers around 3.2. When I got the letter explaining academic probation and the restrictions it has on me, one of the restrictions was that I could only take 16 credits.
Each class at Emmanuel counts for 4 credit hours and most students only take 4 classes per semester to graduate on time. This means I could only take 4 classes. In order to graduate on time, I have to take 20 credit hours (5 classes) for the next four semesters.
I struggled at first with this news, but slowly came to terms with it. If I have to stay an extra semester at Emmanuel, I will. I want my college degree. No, I need my college degree. Graduating college is something that's very important to me, and if it meant graduating in January 2014, I'd do it. Of course I'd do it.
(Why? I've come this far in my academic career, it would be dumb to drop out now. If I were to drop out, what would I do? Work at Dolci the rest of my life? No thank you, I smell when I come home from working there. Education was really important to my grandfather. I'll be the first one in my immediate family with a college degree. My parents are going to be so proud when I get my diploma, a diploma I worked my butt off for. It's like a big slap in the face to everyone who doubted me. Like, haha! I succeeded! The party we'll have for my sister's high school graduation and my college graduation is going to be epic. Not everyone can do this, you know. I want to be able to show the world what I'm worth. But talk minus action is worthless; I can spout off all my abilities whenever I want, but they aren't going to prove anything to anyone. That degree is what matters.)
Today, I found out that I am, in fact, a junior. I will graduate on time. I will walk across that stage adorned in blue and gold, and I will receive a diploma without having to go to school an extra semester.
Words cannot describe how excited I am right now.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Back in Boston!
I'm happy here. I missed the city a lot, and even though I really miss my friends from home, I'm happy here.
Classes are going well so far. It seems like a lot of work but nothing I can start on now, during my down time. That's kind of annoying. I have papers and things hanging over my head that I know I'll have to do eventually, I just don't have the knowledge now. Slightly frustrating, but it's really more of a champagne problem.
Classes are going well so far. It seems like a lot of work but nothing I can start on now, during my down time. That's kind of annoying. I have papers and things hanging over my head that I know I'll have to do eventually, I just don't have the knowledge now. Slightly frustrating, but it's really more of a champagne problem.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Where did summer go?!
This summer has FLOWN by.
In less than 36 hours I will be back in Boston as a junior in college. Holy crap! I'm like, old!
This summer, I can honestly say, has been the best and worst o my life.
Let's get the negative recap out of the way:
1. Drinking too much and getting sick, then having to work at 8am completely hungover. I had to leave early, I could barely stand. I went home, slept for six hours, then went back out that night. In my defense, that night was Ted's birthday, and I'm a champ, so...
2. So much friend drama. I spent far too many nights up late crying and venting with friends about other friends. It was so messed up. It was like no one wanted to get along and everyone was in it for themselves. Now, thankfully, everything is good, and I can happily report that I personally am getting along with everyone.
3. Work sucked. I hate everything about working until 11pm six nights a week.
4. The summer to do list did not get completed.
5. For a long time I just didn't feel like myself. I wasn't as happy as normal.
Now the good stuff:
1. I'm tanner than I've ever been.
2. My beach day with Ted that we spent seven hours relaxing on the beach only getting up to swim has gone down as the best day ever.
3. The night I walked out of work with Dyl to find all our friends waiting for us in the parking lot.
4. Meeting Mike Chase and Paige, who are two incredibly sweet people.
5. Six Flags (the first trip was better than the second).
6. Ending the summer by going to the driving range and then tidepooling until sunset.
7. Sleepovers at Katie's, waking her and Burgess up for pancakes.
8. That sleepover at Katie's before Six Flags where we watched Your Highness and fell asleep.
9. Winning my heat in the demo.
10. The failed glow in the dark game of capture the flag.
11. Growing a backbone.
12. Learning to prioritize.
13. Learning new nouns, such as 'Mike Chase special' and 'dickleech'.
14. The dinner train.
15. Various bonfires at my house, Katie's, Jeff's, Hamblin's.
16. The night we played mini golf then went hottubbing at Sam's.
17. Beating Theodore at go-cart racing, even though my win came out of a bribe.
18. Burning that Christmas tree.
In less than 36 hours I will be back in Boston as a junior in college. Holy crap! I'm like, old!
This summer, I can honestly say, has been the best and worst o my life.
Let's get the negative recap out of the way:
1. Drinking too much and getting sick, then having to work at 8am completely hungover. I had to leave early, I could barely stand. I went home, slept for six hours, then went back out that night. In my defense, that night was Ted's birthday, and I'm a champ, so...
2. So much friend drama. I spent far too many nights up late crying and venting with friends about other friends. It was so messed up. It was like no one wanted to get along and everyone was in it for themselves. Now, thankfully, everything is good, and I can happily report that I personally am getting along with everyone.
3. Work sucked. I hate everything about working until 11pm six nights a week.
4. The summer to do list did not get completed.
5. For a long time I just didn't feel like myself. I wasn't as happy as normal.
Now the good stuff:
1. I'm tanner than I've ever been.
2. My beach day with Ted that we spent seven hours relaxing on the beach only getting up to swim has gone down as the best day ever.
3. The night I walked out of work with Dyl to find all our friends waiting for us in the parking lot.
4. Meeting Mike Chase and Paige, who are two incredibly sweet people.
5. Six Flags (the first trip was better than the second).
6. Ending the summer by going to the driving range and then tidepooling until sunset.
7. Sleepovers at Katie's, waking her and Burgess up for pancakes.
8. That sleepover at Katie's before Six Flags where we watched Your Highness and fell asleep.
9. Winning my heat in the demo.
10. The failed glow in the dark game of capture the flag.
11. Growing a backbone.
12. Learning to prioritize.
13. Learning new nouns, such as 'Mike Chase special' and 'dickleech'.
14. The dinner train.
15. Various bonfires at my house, Katie's, Jeff's, Hamblin's.
16. The night we played mini golf then went hottubbing at Sam's.
17. Beating Theodore at go-cart racing, even though my win came out of a bribe.
18. Burning that Christmas tree.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Okay, so it's been a while.
But we've been busy, I swear. So much has been going on and as usual, the days are blending into each other. Work 9-5 on the railroad, drive home, have dinner, get picked up by James, drive, see friends, come home, sleep, wake up, go to work...
Literally. Every day.
But I don't mind it, though. It means I'm having fun, right? I feel like I'm fitting lots into my summer schedule. We did Six Flags, I went to Maine, attended a wedding, celebrated Dylan's, helped plan my sister's wedding, and celebrated Vanessa's birthday in Boston. The latter was just this past weekend I had so much fun seeing everyone. The restaurant we went to had some deal where you pick x amount of appetizers, salads, and pastas and they keep bringing plates of them to you, nonstop. I could go for some of what we had there right now. I wasn't sure how creepy it would have been to store tons of leftovers in her fridge overnight then hope it survives the ride home in the AC. Speaking of- I drove all the way through Boston! Granted it wasn't downtown, but the (scary) highway, whatever it is. But I was able to get through like nothin'.
Now is the part in my schedule where I pass out. I leave you with this picture that I really like. Wouldn't it be so cool if this were able to be painted almost photorealistically? I wish I could.

Monday, June 13, 2011
Vinny graduated!
Awwh my little baby Vinny is all grown up! Vinny and I have been friends for, I don't know, four years now? A long time. He got me the job at the cafe and we work practically every night together. I couldn't be happier for him!
Last night after work I went to his house for his party. We were late and everyone had already left, but it wasn't a problem. I've learned that my friends bring the party. We hung out with Vinny for awhile, eating delicious food and playing hackey sack. We also managed to play... oh God, I can't remember what Katie calls it, but I'm going to call it the circle game. We played the circle game, where everyone walks in opposite directions and you try not to run into each other. We got four people involved; our most successful yet.
Katie, as usual, gave Ted his insulin, and I had to laugh. She's going to be such a cool nurse. I can totally imagine her dancing around with needles in her hand. And then there's Ted and Samantha in the background like "Katie, that's not safe..."

After the party, Ted and I went back to my house to watch a movie, but during a commercial break we saw an ad for mint chocolate chip Klondike bars.
I wish I had caught our reaction on video.
My mouth drops open and I point to the screen. Ted goes "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?!" and I asked him what time it was.
I don't really remember there being a discussion about what was to happen next, I just know that I was instantly finding shoes and we literally ran to his car. We saw the ad at 10:20pm... do you know what time all the grocery stores close on a Sunday here? 10:00pm. We hit six stores before we gave up at 7/11 on Main Street and settled for ice cream and Poptarts. I'm still mildly upset we didn't get them and will probably end up going to the store today...
Last night after work I went to his house for his party. We were late and everyone had already left, but it wasn't a problem. I've learned that my friends bring the party. We hung out with Vinny for awhile, eating delicious food and playing hackey sack. We also managed to play... oh God, I can't remember what Katie calls it, but I'm going to call it the circle game. We played the circle game, where everyone walks in opposite directions and you try not to run into each other. We got four people involved; our most successful yet.
Katie, as usual, gave Ted his insulin, and I had to laugh. She's going to be such a cool nurse. I can totally imagine her dancing around with needles in her hand. And then there's Ted and Samantha in the background like "Katie, that's not safe..."
After the party, Ted and I went back to my house to watch a movie, but during a commercial break we saw an ad for mint chocolate chip Klondike bars.
I wish I had caught our reaction on video.
My mouth drops open and I point to the screen. Ted goes "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?!" and I asked him what time it was.
I don't really remember there being a discussion about what was to happen next, I just know that I was instantly finding shoes and we literally ran to his car. We saw the ad at 10:20pm... do you know what time all the grocery stores close on a Sunday here? 10:00pm. We hit six stores before we gave up at 7/11 on Main Street and settled for ice cream and Poptarts. I'm still mildly upset we didn't get them and will probably end up going to the store today...
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
We've checked two things off the summer to-do list!
As you may or may not remember, Ted and I started a Summer To-Do list with Katie and James. Basically, everything on it is something at least one of us has not done. For example, I've never been to a batting cage, James has never set foot in a Wal-Mart, and Ted has never been on the dinner train.
We also have a sub-list of stuff we've all done but would like to do again, like Six Flags and camping.
Well, we've begun!
Last Friday, Ted and I went to his first ever drive-in movie. We saw the new Pirates movie and turned my car into a couch/tabletop. We played hackey sack waiting for the movie to start and ate junk food and pizza. I'm pretty much a picnic master, though Ted is competition (see below). Basically, it was heaven in movie form.

And then yesterday, we checked off something on our sub-list- Six Flags!
I was off-Cape anyway, so I got dropped off and met up with Ted and his little brother around 10:30 at the gates. First, we processed our season passes (this is my first season pass for anything, and I couldn't be more thrilled). As we left the building, Ted asked what was first.
"That," I said and pointed at the large tower in the center of the park. Scream. We waiting in line for about 20 minutes, all while Ted's brother was sassy. I loved it, it was only my second time meeting this kid and he was just as sassy as Ted is. After Scream we went on the new roller coaster, the Gauntlet, which I never heard the end of how lame it was. WHATEVER, GUYS.
Soon, Katie and James got there! We met them at the car and got them in on our coupons. Then we bought a flash pass and got right on Batman. Then Ted, James and I rode Bizzaro (Superman) and it was James's first time on it. So amazing.
Ted and his brother played a ring toss game and Ted got a little green guy that James named Sebastian. Ted gave him to me and I made sure he made an appearance in every picture for the rest of the day.
Ted left for a little while to bring his little brother home, so Katie, James and I went on Blizzard River (we played the who can get the wettest game... I won), Cyclone (deathtrap), Batman again and Pandemonium. Katie also made me go on Mind Eraser, which always gives me a headache, and Houdini, which I just can't f'n figure out.
When Ted got back we ate sandwiches that Ted brought (he pretty much packed a whole deli in a little cooler, which is why Ted is also a picnic master).
Katie, Ted and I went on Thunderbolt and Batman, then we all went on Blizzard River. We played two more games, the water gun ones, where Ted won a giant three-foot tall pink squid who he named Lunchbox and then gave to me. I tried to rename him Eddy, after Eddy's Fish Mart, but Lunchbox was what stuck. Anyway, Katie won a giraffe she named Leroy, but he wasn't as soft as Lunchbox.
Before Katie and James left, Ted and I went on Bizzaro again. Then we said our goodbyes to Katie and James, went on Twister and Scream and then went to leave. Upon leaving, I realized that the ONE thing we didn't do that all my friends promised they would do with me was ride the carousel. So before leaving, Ted did that with me.

We made the drive home and went to a bonfire at Jeff's with everyone. Basically, I've been having the best summer of my life so far. I couldn't be happier!
We also have a sub-list of stuff we've all done but would like to do again, like Six Flags and camping.
Well, we've begun!
Last Friday, Ted and I went to his first ever drive-in movie. We saw the new Pirates movie and turned my car into a couch/tabletop. We played hackey sack waiting for the movie to start and ate junk food and pizza. I'm pretty much a picnic master, though Ted is competition (see below). Basically, it was heaven in movie form.
And then yesterday, we checked off something on our sub-list- Six Flags!
I was off-Cape anyway, so I got dropped off and met up with Ted and his little brother around 10:30 at the gates. First, we processed our season passes (this is my first season pass for anything, and I couldn't be more thrilled). As we left the building, Ted asked what was first.
"That," I said and pointed at the large tower in the center of the park. Scream. We waiting in line for about 20 minutes, all while Ted's brother was sassy. I loved it, it was only my second time meeting this kid and he was just as sassy as Ted is. After Scream we went on the new roller coaster, the Gauntlet, which I never heard the end of how lame it was. WHATEVER, GUYS.
Soon, Katie and James got there! We met them at the car and got them in on our coupons. Then we bought a flash pass and got right on Batman. Then Ted, James and I rode Bizzaro (Superman) and it was James's first time on it. So amazing.
Ted and his brother played a ring toss game and Ted got a little green guy that James named Sebastian. Ted gave him to me and I made sure he made an appearance in every picture for the rest of the day.
Ted left for a little while to bring his little brother home, so Katie, James and I went on Blizzard River (we played the who can get the wettest game... I won), Cyclone (deathtrap), Batman again and Pandemonium. Katie also made me go on Mind Eraser, which always gives me a headache, and Houdini, which I just can't f'n figure out.
When Ted got back we ate sandwiches that Ted brought (he pretty much packed a whole deli in a little cooler, which is why Ted is also a picnic master).
Katie, Ted and I went on Thunderbolt and Batman, then we all went on Blizzard River. We played two more games, the water gun ones, where Ted won a giant three-foot tall pink squid who he named Lunchbox and then gave to me. I tried to rename him Eddy, after Eddy's Fish Mart, but Lunchbox was what stuck. Anyway, Katie won a giraffe she named Leroy, but he wasn't as soft as Lunchbox.
Before Katie and James left, Ted and I went on Bizzaro again. Then we said our goodbyes to Katie and James, went on Twister and Scream and then went to leave. Upon leaving, I realized that the ONE thing we didn't do that all my friends promised they would do with me was ride the carousel. So before leaving, Ted did that with me.
We made the drive home and went to a bonfire at Jeff's with everyone. Basically, I've been having the best summer of my life so far. I couldn't be happier!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I just have to record my day somewhere.
Today was amazing and bittersweet in all the right ways. To quote a lyric from a song I played more than once, "hands down, today is the best day I can ever remember".
I woke up early and got ready, then Ted picked me up. We hit the road, stopping for coffee (at Mary Lou's, at my insistence, because goddammit I wanted an Oreo Cookie Monster, lactose intolerance be damned). We ended up having to postpone the visit with Ryan for a few hours, so we stopped at the Holyoke Mall and shopped for a couple hours.
One, I'm psyched that Ted likes shopping as much as I do. Two, that mall is amazing at noon on a Tuesday. It wasn't crowded at all, the stores were neat, Forever 21 is huge, they have an H&M... ugh amazing.
I got two skirts, three shirts and a tank top at Forever 21 (for 25$!), a bag at H&M (6$), a shirt at PacSun ($7), and some things at Sephora which I only had to pay 13$ for because I had a leftover gift card. Ted got some new shirts, a new pair of shoes and something else I can't really remember at this point in time, though I swear he bought things from three different stores.
After the mall we went to Ryan's, where Tyler met us outside and told us what to expect. Then Ryan came outside and gave me a hug and oh my God. He's alive. He's amazing. I don't want to go into to much detail here because I feel like that would take away from my experience with him, and make me cry (I held out! I didn't cry until I got back into the car!) but... I'm just so thankful he's alive.
Then we left and headed towards Southampton, and stopped in and visited real quick with my grandmother and step-grandfather. Then we went to my aunt and uncle's, where Ted was pretty much bombarded with talking about the demolition derby and Liv showed us her American Girl Dolls (which Ted had never heard of... clearly, not okay by Liv and I). We ate dinner with them and, when we left, Ted told me that he could totally tell that they were my family. Liv especially, he said, is just like me.
After a full day of visiting my family, we thought it only proper to stop in and surprise Ted's family on the way back to the Cape. His family is awesome, I met his mom, his brother, and his mom's boyfriend. I forget what it is I said, but his mom was like "I love you already" and just made me feel really welcome. We had a second dinner with them and she made me pizza when Ted made some comment about how I don't eat leftovers. We told them all about our summer to-do list and his brother showed us how he's learning the drums and they all reacted the same way Ted did when he mentioned I had never seen any of the Back To The Futures. Oops?
It was a really long, emotional drive home. I think I cried the whole way, thinking about Ryan. It was so good to see him, but I'm still in serious shock over the whole thing.
Things will never be the same, that's just the way it is.
I woke up early and got ready, then Ted picked me up. We hit the road, stopping for coffee (at Mary Lou's, at my insistence, because goddammit I wanted an Oreo Cookie Monster, lactose intolerance be damned). We ended up having to postpone the visit with Ryan for a few hours, so we stopped at the Holyoke Mall and shopped for a couple hours.
One, I'm psyched that Ted likes shopping as much as I do. Two, that mall is amazing at noon on a Tuesday. It wasn't crowded at all, the stores were neat, Forever 21 is huge, they have an H&M... ugh amazing.
I got two skirts, three shirts and a tank top at Forever 21 (for 25$!), a bag at H&M (6$), a shirt at PacSun ($7), and some things at Sephora which I only had to pay 13$ for because I had a leftover gift card. Ted got some new shirts, a new pair of shoes and something else I can't really remember at this point in time, though I swear he bought things from three different stores.
After the mall we went to Ryan's, where Tyler met us outside and told us what to expect. Then Ryan came outside and gave me a hug and oh my God. He's alive. He's amazing. I don't want to go into to much detail here because I feel like that would take away from my experience with him, and make me cry (I held out! I didn't cry until I got back into the car!) but... I'm just so thankful he's alive.
Then we left and headed towards Southampton, and stopped in and visited real quick with my grandmother and step-grandfather. Then we went to my aunt and uncle's, where Ted was pretty much bombarded with talking about the demolition derby and Liv showed us her American Girl Dolls (which Ted had never heard of... clearly, not okay by Liv and I). We ate dinner with them and, when we left, Ted told me that he could totally tell that they were my family. Liv especially, he said, is just like me.
After a full day of visiting my family, we thought it only proper to stop in and surprise Ted's family on the way back to the Cape. His family is awesome, I met his mom, his brother, and his mom's boyfriend. I forget what it is I said, but his mom was like "I love you already" and just made me feel really welcome. We had a second dinner with them and she made me pizza when Ted made some comment about how I don't eat leftovers. We told them all about our summer to-do list and his brother showed us how he's learning the drums and they all reacted the same way Ted did when he mentioned I had never seen any of the Back To The Futures. Oops?
It was a really long, emotional drive home. I think I cried the whole way, thinking about Ryan. It was so good to see him, but I'm still in serious shock over the whole thing.
Things will never be the same, that's just the way it is.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Welcome to wherever you are.
Woah, have I really been home two weeks already?!
I've been having such a good time! My fun has included babysitting my cousin's daughter, working, dancing with my bffs, bonfires with new and old friends, a round of mini golf, hot tubbing, swimming out to a floating trampoline, thrifting, dancing on a lifeguard tower in the rain late at night, laying out with my sister, burgers on the grill, cooking dinner in my new kitchen (I'm pro at tater tots), early morning cuddle seshes with my two best friends, texting each other instead of talking... in other words, it's been perfect so far.
On Tuesday, Ted is driving me up to see Ryan. I'm so excited to see my little Godbrother, the little miracle that he is. The crash was two months ago and he's HOME! It's a weird feeling, knowing you're going to see someone you thought you'd never see again. It's a combo of nerves, excitement, and a feeling like I want to cry. I don't think I'll be able to leave and I anticipate crying. A lot.
I've been having such a good time! My fun has included babysitting my cousin's daughter, working, dancing with my bffs, bonfires with new and old friends, a round of mini golf, hot tubbing, swimming out to a floating trampoline, thrifting, dancing on a lifeguard tower in the rain late at night, laying out with my sister, burgers on the grill, cooking dinner in my new kitchen (I'm pro at tater tots), early morning cuddle seshes with my two best friends, texting each other instead of talking... in other words, it's been perfect so far.
On Tuesday, Ted is driving me up to see Ryan. I'm so excited to see my little Godbrother, the little miracle that he is. The crash was two months ago and he's HOME! It's a weird feeling, knowing you're going to see someone you thought you'd never see again. It's a combo of nerves, excitement, and a feeling like I want to cry. I don't think I'll be able to leave and I anticipate crying. A lot.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Summahtime, and the livin's easy.
It's summer, guys!
Like everyone says, it hasn't hit me yet. My parents left for a few days and I have the house to myself and it's just weird. The fact it's been raining nonstop doesn't help either, but still. I have a full week before I go back to work and I desperately wanted it to be nice out so maybe I could go to the beach or something, but oh well. The fact that I can sleep in and not think about pharmacology ever again is a fair enough trade off.
Today I'm meeting up with Steph and she's babysitting the most adorable eight month old baby girl that I've ever seen. We're going to play teen mom and run some errands in Hyannis, then continue this wifey business and make everyone dinner tonight when they come over.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Sweeeeet summertime!
I'm totally exhausted but I thought I'd blog about my past two days, and it's probs going to turn into a novel because that's just the way life works.
First of all, I took my last final! My daddy picked me up after and brought me back to the Cape. I did not enjoy lugging my life down from my room. I can't understand why I have so much stuff and WHY is it all so heavy?? I unpacked (took me all day) and had a great family dinner.
Then I picked Ted up (who got into my car WILLINGLY not once but twice, but told Facebook he was kidnapped). We went to my favorite beach, White Crest, and I attempted to climb down the dune. No path=no luck, and Mr. Fancy Pharmacist wouldn't, either. I will give him some credit, though, he totally was willing to risk his dress shoes to go down to the water with me. So then we left and went down the street to try climbing down the another dune, which was completely blocked off, so we played Questions instead with the books I got him for his birthday.
See, Ted doesn't like his birthday. This is unfortunate because I happen to love birthdays and, well, I win because my logic makes more sense to me. So, despite his protests, threats of ending our friendship, threatening to never speak to me again, etc etc, I got him birthday gifts.

I got him the above book as well as its sequel. Naturally, Ted got mad at me for not listening to him (not liking your birthday just doesn't make SENSE) but he was still psyched on the gift. Mission accomplished.
Today I worked from 8-4. Sam met me at the cafe and we got Common Ground, then I got my hair trimmed (too short if you ask me, but Twig, Ted and my mom didn't even notice). She played with the kittens while I showered, and then I dropped her off so I could go fill in for my sister who was supposed to babysit but had cheerleading. I kind of hate that I let one terrible experience babysitting ruin my whole outlook on it, because it's FUN. I watched almost-two and almost-five year old boys, and I basically played trains and Wii with them for two hours.
I have to work tomorrow from 10-4, I have a doctor's appointment at 10:40, Ted and I are making dinner because I have a rich person's kitchen now (Mom decided to redo and my sister designed the entire "public space" of our house, it looks absolutely amazing), I have a surgeon's appointment Thursday (sad face), I'm babysitting 7-5 on Friday for the CUTEST little baby girl I've ever seen in my life, I'm possibly going to a party Friday night, I'm hosting a party Saturday night when Katie FINALLY comes home... yeah.
Life is really, really good.
First of all, I took my last final! My daddy picked me up after and brought me back to the Cape. I did not enjoy lugging my life down from my room. I can't understand why I have so much stuff and WHY is it all so heavy?? I unpacked (took me all day) and had a great family dinner.
Then I picked Ted up (who got into my car WILLINGLY not once but twice, but told Facebook he was kidnapped). We went to my favorite beach, White Crest, and I attempted to climb down the dune. No path=no luck, and Mr. Fancy Pharmacist wouldn't, either. I will give him some credit, though, he totally was willing to risk his dress shoes to go down to the water with me. So then we left and went down the street to try climbing down the another dune, which was completely blocked off, so we played Questions instead with the books I got him for his birthday.
See, Ted doesn't like his birthday. This is unfortunate because I happen to love birthdays and, well, I win because my logic makes more sense to me. So, despite his protests, threats of ending our friendship, threatening to never speak to me again, etc etc, I got him birthday gifts.
I got him the above book as well as its sequel. Naturally, Ted got mad at me for not listening to him (not liking your birthday just doesn't make SENSE) but he was still psyched on the gift. Mission accomplished.
Today I worked from 8-4. Sam met me at the cafe and we got Common Ground, then I got my hair trimmed (too short if you ask me, but Twig, Ted and my mom didn't even notice). She played with the kittens while I showered, and then I dropped her off so I could go fill in for my sister who was supposed to babysit but had cheerleading. I kind of hate that I let one terrible experience babysitting ruin my whole outlook on it, because it's FUN. I watched almost-two and almost-five year old boys, and I basically played trains and Wii with them for two hours.
I have to work tomorrow from 10-4, I have a doctor's appointment at 10:40, Ted and I are making dinner because I have a rich person's kitchen now (Mom decided to redo and my sister designed the entire "public space" of our house, it looks absolutely amazing), I have a surgeon's appointment Thursday (sad face), I'm babysitting 7-5 on Friday for the CUTEST little baby girl I've ever seen in my life, I'm possibly going to a party Friday night, I'm hosting a party Saturday night when Katie FINALLY comes home... yeah.
Life is really, really good.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
You can tell finals are coming up...
because I think it's totally acceptable to dance around in my PJs to club music all by myself in my room, my side of the room is a f'n disaster area even though I just cleaned it yesterday, there's a towel on the floor to catch the water from the defrosting fridge, it's nearly 11 at night and I have no plans to sleep, my planner for my first week at home is full... you know. The usual.
I'm pretty surprised that my finals are coming up so soon. This semester FLEW by. Plus, Katie's finals don't even start until the day after I'm done, which is weird. I was trying to pack up my room yesterday, and I packed a bunch of clothes, but it's proving to be difficult. I don't WANNA take down my posters and stuff yet!
Anyway, I just got off the phone with Ted, who called me deprived. Yo, trick, just because I've never seen any of the Back to the Futures or been to batting cages...! Okay, yeah, that makes me a little deprived. Whatever.
But he came up with the best idea I think I've ever heard. We're going to make a big list of things I've never done and do them all this summer. Ummm HELLO best summer ever! I'm even more excited than I already was. Sad thing is, I only have two things so far, because I can never think of this stuff. Oooops!
I'm pretty surprised that my finals are coming up so soon. This semester FLEW by. Plus, Katie's finals don't even start until the day after I'm done, which is weird. I was trying to pack up my room yesterday, and I packed a bunch of clothes, but it's proving to be difficult. I don't WANNA take down my posters and stuff yet!
Anyway, I just got off the phone with Ted, who called me deprived. Yo, trick, just because I've never seen any of the Back to the Futures or been to batting cages...! Okay, yeah, that makes me a little deprived. Whatever.
But he came up with the best idea I think I've ever heard. We're going to make a big list of things I've never done and do them all this summer. Ummm HELLO best summer ever! I'm even more excited than I already was. Sad thing is, I only have two things so far, because I can never think of this stuff. Oooops!
Monday, May 2, 2011
So I had my last day of classes today and while I was on my break, I was creepin' Facebook (naturally). I saw that my cousin was going to the Red Sox game and I was jello (jealous, for all you non-abreviating girls out there). I was texting him in statistics and we were shooting the breeze about school and everything, then it dawned on me...
Why can't I go to the Red Sox game, too?
Cue texts (statistics...? What?). Text to my mom, seeing if the offer about her paying still stood. She said yes. Word, thanks Mama. Text to Katie. "If I can find inexpensive tickets to the Red Sox game tonight will you come?" She said yes, pending on the time and the price. Text to Cap, asking if he'd go. No answer (you missed out, sucker).
I'm getting excited now. Now onto my next class, English. Text to Ted, "Are you working tonight/early tomorrow?". Neither. "Want to go to the Red Sox game with me?? 75% chance I'm going, will know when I'm out of class."
Get out of class. All but run to my dorm, throw my bag down, log onto Tickets for tonight's game? FIVE DOLLARS EACH. Purchased and printed out at 5:30, less than two hours before the game. Problem: Only three committed friends, had to buy four tickets. Solution? SPRING, LET'S GO SEE THE RED SOX.
Shower, dinner, whatever whatever. Meet Ted on the corner of Schemman's campus, head straight to the Simmons' quad. Meet Katie and Spring. Walk down to Fenway (I love living here, omigawd). Get our seats (SOOOO GOOOOOD), Ted goes to get beer for himself, Spring makes friends with the guys next to us, Katie makes friends with the guys in front of us who hand over their beers to Katie and Spring, I take one of Ted's cups and we split that and I have to say that there is nothing better than an ice cold beer and a Red Sox game with my good friends.
Sorry Dad... is that weird for you to read? It's the truth, though! Love you!
Anyway, we had the worlds best time. We were even on the Jumbotron during Sweet Caroline! After that, both Ted and I got texts from random people telling us that they saw us on TV. We saw them hit homeruns and we won!
After we left, Ted informed us that when we were on the Jumbotron we were actually on national television. Cue girly screams. Oh, my God, so amazing! I had the BEST time ever and I love my friends so much!

Ps: Also, I Skyped with Ryan last week! He can stand and walk! Oh my baby Godbrother, so strong!
Why can't I go to the Red Sox game, too?
Cue texts (statistics...? What?). Text to my mom, seeing if the offer about her paying still stood. She said yes. Word, thanks Mama. Text to Katie. "If I can find inexpensive tickets to the Red Sox game tonight will you come?" She said yes, pending on the time and the price. Text to Cap, asking if he'd go. No answer (you missed out, sucker).
I'm getting excited now. Now onto my next class, English. Text to Ted, "Are you working tonight/early tomorrow?". Neither. "Want to go to the Red Sox game with me?? 75% chance I'm going, will know when I'm out of class."
Get out of class. All but run to my dorm, throw my bag down, log onto Tickets for tonight's game? FIVE DOLLARS EACH. Purchased and printed out at 5:30, less than two hours before the game. Problem: Only three committed friends, had to buy four tickets. Solution? SPRING, LET'S GO SEE THE RED SOX.
Shower, dinner, whatever whatever. Meet Ted on the corner of Schemman's campus, head straight to the Simmons' quad. Meet Katie and Spring. Walk down to Fenway (I love living here, omigawd). Get our seats (SOOOO GOOOOOD), Ted goes to get beer for himself, Spring makes friends with the guys next to us, Katie makes friends with the guys in front of us who hand over their beers to Katie and Spring, I take one of Ted's cups and we split that and I have to say that there is nothing better than an ice cold beer and a Red Sox game with my good friends.
Sorry Dad... is that weird for you to read? It's the truth, though! Love you!
Anyway, we had the worlds best time. We were even on the Jumbotron during Sweet Caroline! After that, both Ted and I got texts from random people telling us that they saw us on TV. We saw them hit homeruns and we won!
After we left, Ted informed us that when we were on the Jumbotron we were actually on national television. Cue girly screams. Oh, my God, so amazing! I had the BEST time ever and I love my friends so much!
Ps: Also, I Skyped with Ryan last week! He can stand and walk! Oh my baby Godbrother, so strong!
Monday, April 25, 2011
It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine, sweet summertime.
So I'm sitting in the Cape Cod Community College library right now. The internet is out at my house and I'm waiting for Sam to get out of her appointment so I can see her before I head back to Boston for the final stretch.
I'm loving life today.
All the drama from last weekend totally blew over. All it took (which I knew it would) was for me to meet up with my good friend and talk things over. Like Katie and I, it'll take a little time before things get back to 100% normal, I'm sure, but eventually it will. I just have a feeling.
For the record, Katie and I are totally back to normal and have been for awhile. May 10th is our refriendship anniversary!
Also, I've been texting my Godmother today about my baby Godbrother. He's doing so well. He's literally a living miracle, a month ago he had his accident and now he's playing tic tac toe with him mom and Skyping with me. Okay well we haven't Skyped yet, but we would be NOW if the stupid internet wasn't down.
I also went back to work last week! Ah, it felt so good to be back. I worked on Easter which sucked, but I worked with the newest worker, Lauren. Pretty much became fast friends from the moment she walked into the kitchen yelling PEOPLE IN THE KITCHEN, PEOPLE IN THE KITCHEN and when we jumped around because "who cares if we look like idiots, we're having fun". That's my kind of person, right there.
FINAL STRETCH two more weeks to this very moment and I'll be at home for the summer! Hurray!
I'm loving life today.
All the drama from last weekend totally blew over. All it took (which I knew it would) was for me to meet up with my good friend and talk things over. Like Katie and I, it'll take a little time before things get back to 100% normal, I'm sure, but eventually it will. I just have a feeling.
For the record, Katie and I are totally back to normal and have been for awhile. May 10th is our refriendship anniversary!
Also, I've been texting my Godmother today about my baby Godbrother. He's doing so well. He's literally a living miracle, a month ago he had his accident and now he's playing tic tac toe with him mom and Skyping with me. Okay well we haven't Skyped yet, but we would be NOW if the stupid internet wasn't down.
I also went back to work last week! Ah, it felt so good to be back. I worked on Easter which sucked, but I worked with the newest worker, Lauren. Pretty much became fast friends from the moment she walked into the kitchen yelling PEOPLE IN THE KITCHEN, PEOPLE IN THE KITCHEN and when we jumped around because "who cares if we look like idiots, we're having fun". That's my kind of person, right there.
FINAL STRETCH two more weeks to this very moment and I'll be at home for the summer! Hurray!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
S's music challenge.
Pretty much this entire song is my life right now.
I'll update later about my family party and stuff, but this song really hits it right now.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Katie writes.
"Why do things feel out of focus? They slide in and out and get fuzzy, like my contacts forget they're supposed to be doing their job. I look and they go, 'oh right, we're here. Let's do this.' I see all the different colored, worn fibers on the carpet. A light olive color that was probably once cream. Gross, dirty avocado green. The outside, not the inside like guacamole. I don't like guacamole. Or sour cream. At all. Fuck those. there's also an even darker, sort of seafoam green too. It makes a really bad, aesthetically horrifying appearance. My eyes are having a tumultuous relationship with these fibers right now. They're lined up like corn or sunflowers in a field. And we stomp all over it, making it ugly. Like that giant at the top of the beanstalk that Jack meets."
Yeah, that was my insightful literary genius from last night. Technically today, when the after effects were still raging strong. I had this overwhelming desire to write, and that's what came out. Interesting.
Anyway, today was cool because I signed up for this study at MGH where I got 25$ cash to go and give two vials of blood. It's some type of hypertension study. If I get picked I get 600$! I totally signed up, and left today with cashola in my pocket.
I'm going home tomorrow morning after class because I have to babysit my cousin's son tomorrow night. James is coming too so I'll have someone to talk to for the four or five hours after he goes to bed. Friday we might be celebrating Samantha's birthday, too. That will be fun! But I have two exams next week so I have to be back for that. Lame. At least we have Monday off and I will have a week off from clinical! Oh, I signed up for classes today too. I have med/surg Monday mornings from 8-noon (ugh), lifespan psychology Tuesday nights from 6:30-9:30, and then this International Nutrition class on Thursday nights from 5:30-8:30. Not too shabby!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I'm in love, alright
with my crazy, beautiful life.
This weekend was spent having good times in Boston. I love my life, so much, but it's serious business this week. I have to go home this weekend and next weekend, but I want so badly to just put the past three days on repeat.
On Thursday Katie and I had a night in, playing games and then we went for a walk and met up with Jeff. He didn't stay long and I was back in my room by 12:30 or so. The next day, James came up and we all crept around Fenway for opening day and walked to Newbury Street and the Pru. They had a cute little date night and then we all hung out until about midnight. Then yesterday, Theresa came to visit! We hung out all day and then after dinner I went to play Sims with Katie, and then we went on an adventure to East Boston to see Cap for a few minutes (an hour and a half of travel to see him for a total of about twenty minutes... needless to say, that didn't count as us hanging out). Then we got back and Jeff took us to a party at BU. So much fun.
Then again, I'm seriously looking forward to Thursday night when I've already asked my friend to take a walk on the beach with me. Ugh dying for the sand and surf...

This weekend was spent having good times in Boston. I love my life, so much, but it's serious business this week. I have to go home this weekend and next weekend, but I want so badly to just put the past three days on repeat.
On Thursday Katie and I had a night in, playing games and then we went for a walk and met up with Jeff. He didn't stay long and I was back in my room by 12:30 or so. The next day, James came up and we all crept around Fenway for opening day and walked to Newbury Street and the Pru. They had a cute little date night and then we all hung out until about midnight. Then yesterday, Theresa came to visit! We hung out all day and then after dinner I went to play Sims with Katie, and then we went on an adventure to East Boston to see Cap for a few minutes (an hour and a half of travel to see him for a total of about twenty minutes... needless to say, that didn't count as us hanging out). Then we got back and Jeff took us to a party at BU. So much fun.
Then again, I'm seriously looking forward to Thursday night when I've already asked my friend to take a walk on the beach with me. Ugh dying for the sand and surf...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat often.
Well, throughout the past few weeks, I think I've been to hell and back thirty million times.
First of all, the main thing on my mind has been Ryan. He woke up from his coma and is moving everything except for his right leg; we don't know if that's from brain damage or his spine being broken in three places or his pelvis bone being broken. He just went in for another surgery today and even though I know he's going to be okay, every time I hear there's been another setback I'm beside myself with fear. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him.
In other news, last night I Skyped for an hour with my old roommate. It was great catching up with her. Also, always look forward to my phone dates with Ted. We've also all begun working on our summer to-do list, which I keep the master list. I think I'm most looking forward to 'Classy Double Date Night' and Six Flags, of course.
Also, Katie and I have been talking about our post-grad plans! She's going to be a nurse and I'm going to take a bit of time off before getting back into grad school (there's no way I can live this dirt poor for another four to six years) so we're thinking about moving out of state and trying the West Coast out for a few years before settling back in New England. Neither of us can picture living anywhere else for our whole lives.
I'm pretty excited about that opportunity, actually.
First of all, the main thing on my mind has been Ryan. He woke up from his coma and is moving everything except for his right leg; we don't know if that's from brain damage or his spine being broken in three places or his pelvis bone being broken. He just went in for another surgery today and even though I know he's going to be okay, every time I hear there's been another setback I'm beside myself with fear. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him.
In other news, last night I Skyped for an hour with my old roommate. It was great catching up with her. Also, always look forward to my phone dates with Ted. We've also all begun working on our summer to-do list, which I keep the master list. I think I'm most looking forward to 'Classy Double Date Night' and Six Flags, of course.
Also, Katie and I have been talking about our post-grad plans! She's going to be a nurse and I'm going to take a bit of time off before getting back into grad school (there's no way I can live this dirt poor for another four to six years) so we're thinking about moving out of state and trying the West Coast out for a few years before settling back in New England. Neither of us can picture living anywhere else for our whole lives.
I'm pretty excited about that opportunity, actually.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Katie has a realization.
There's only about five weeks left of the semester. When did that happen?
Everything is flying by so fast. I don't have nearly enough time in the day to do everything I'd like to, and when I finally stop to breathe it's like oh shit, school is almost over. I'll be working full time this summer, and I hope to come up to Boston often. Until then, it's full steam ahead with three quizzes this week, one paper, one exam...
Monday, March 28, 2011
Dear Blogger.
My little cousin was involved a very serious car accident early Saturday morning. He drove his car off the road down in North Carolina and is down there in critical condition. It took rescue workers forty minutes after arrival to free him. He's a fighter and I know he won't give up for anything, but please keep him in your prayers.
Ryan and I grew up incredibly close and our mothers raised us like siblings. My Godmother is his mom and his Godmother is my mom, so we always called each other Godbrother and Godsister. Since we were kids we always promised to love and protect each other always. Since the day he was born our lives have been intertwined; most of my childhood memories have something to do with him.
Please keep him in your prayers.

Us when I was four, he was three. He was ALWAYS shorter than me.

Us in December; I'm nineteen here and he's eighteen. This was only the second time I had seen him when he was taller than me and it felt really, really weird.
Ryan and I grew up incredibly close and our mothers raised us like siblings. My Godmother is his mom and his Godmother is my mom, so we always called each other Godbrother and Godsister. Since we were kids we always promised to love and protect each other always. Since the day he was born our lives have been intertwined; most of my childhood memories have something to do with him.
Please keep him in your prayers.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Katie takes a a break.
Today is a lazy day for me!
I've had exams back to back for the past two weeks since break. I finally have time to watch an unusually large amount of Weeds episodes and random indie movies I never got to see on Netflix. I'm putting all my homework off until the weekend.
Stephanie is at home, and I'm jealous. I would go home if I could, but I have obligations both Friday and Saturday night. So maybe next weekend. I would like to see James again. Oh, it wasn't posted here I don't think: James and I are back together! After nine or so months apart, it just wasn't working. You can't just ignore a three and a half year connection. I'm not going to put a time frame on our relationship like I was before (what if we date for so long, and then I realize I haven't been with anyone else? Didn't know anything else?). As long as I'm happy and still enjoying his company, I'm going to stay with him. And that's all I need to focus on, yah dig?
Okay, I have to go make some Spongebob mac n' cheese that's staring at me. Man, nothing beats neon orange cheese on a lazy day.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
If you're lucky enough to be Irish, you're lucky enough.
Saint Patrick's Day in Boston with my closest friends. Hello, good time!
Oh, it was awesome, in a really nontraditional way. We went to dinner at Legal Seafood. The weather was warm, so we walked through the Boston Common at night. We played in the empty fountains and had a dance off. James and Ted attempted to climb a tree that left them with battle wounds. We probably looked like every other drunken fool, but we were sober (mostly... Ted is 21 and had a couple drinks with dinner, if I'm being totally honest).

Ted, off the camera, decided to sneak around the other side of this fountain and scare me.
Of course, in true college fashion, we did celebrate being young and alive. This consisted of sitting in Katie's room and talking, but it felt great to be with my friends.
The next day, Friday, was absolutely gorgeous. After getting breakfast with Katie and James, Ted and I explored the city. We walked about an hour to get to Harvard Square down the Charles, singing and playing Questions. We stopped in Urban Outfitters and The Hempist, where Ted bought a hackey sack. I had never played before, and we got to later. We took the T down to Park Street, then walked through Quincy Market. I wanted to show him a view of the skyline from a park in the North end I love, but I couldn't find it (and Cap, forever useless when I need him, didn't answer his phone to give me directions).

Eventually, we did find that park, but in the mean time we played hackey sack with this view in the background.
Have I mentioned before how much I love this city?
Oh, it was awesome, in a really nontraditional way. We went to dinner at Legal Seafood. The weather was warm, so we walked through the Boston Common at night. We played in the empty fountains and had a dance off. James and Ted attempted to climb a tree that left them with battle wounds. We probably looked like every other drunken fool, but we were sober (mostly... Ted is 21 and had a couple drinks with dinner, if I'm being totally honest).

Of course, in true college fashion, we did celebrate being young and alive. This consisted of sitting in Katie's room and talking, but it felt great to be with my friends.
The next day, Friday, was absolutely gorgeous. After getting breakfast with Katie and James, Ted and I explored the city. We walked about an hour to get to Harvard Square down the Charles, singing and playing Questions. We stopped in Urban Outfitters and The Hempist, where Ted bought a hackey sack. I had never played before, and we got to later. We took the T down to Park Street, then walked through Quincy Market. I wanted to show him a view of the skyline from a park in the North end I love, but I couldn't find it (and Cap, forever useless when I need him, didn't answer his phone to give me directions).
Eventually, we did find that park, but in the mean time we played hackey sack with this view in the background.
Have I mentioned before how much I love this city?
Monday, March 14, 2011
We're back at school, let Stress Week commence.
Getting back into the swing of things after having such a great break is really, really difficult. I have about a trillion and a half things to do before Wednesday, AND stats formulas to memorize.
But the flip side of this is that James is visiting Katie either Wednesday or Thursday, so I'm sure that I'll see them and we'll go get crepes or something, and Ted is visiting me Thursday night into Friday. YAY!
Plus, on top of having friends visit, Thursday is St. Patrick's Day. I spent last St. Patrick's Day in Boston with Ben and Ethan, and I'm really excited for it. Plus, it's supposed to be nice out (except for Wednesday). YAYAYAYAY so it's stress week, but it's also good things week.
Katie's gagging on my optimism right now. Sorry babe.
But the flip side of this is that James is visiting Katie either Wednesday or Thursday, so I'm sure that I'll see them and we'll go get crepes or something, and Ted is visiting me Thursday night into Friday. YAY!
Plus, on top of having friends visit, Thursday is St. Patrick's Day. I spent last St. Patrick's Day in Boston with Ben and Ethan, and I'm really excited for it. Plus, it's supposed to be nice out (except for Wednesday). YAYAYAYAY so it's stress week, but it's also good things week.
Katie's gagging on my optimism right now. Sorry babe.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Oh hey!
Yeah man, we got tattoos. I think I'm still in shock over it. I got an anchor on my back, because I love the ocean and feel so connected to it and I love Cape Cod and I love sailing and the anchor, out of everything I considered, seemed to be most "me". Plus, there was that one time where I was Googling anchor tattoos and Katie texted me with a picture of one she had drawn on herself.
The anticipation of pain was the worst, and it did hurt. It felt like I was being scratched really hard. I remember thinking as he was doing the outline "Okay, I really don't like this, can it just be over now?" But ten minutes of pain for a lifetime of self-expression is so worth it, and luckily my sister was there to hold my hand.

And a song I'm totally identifying with right now.
The anticipation of pain was the worst, and it did hurt. It felt like I was being scratched really hard. I remember thinking as he was doing the outline "Okay, I really don't like this, can it just be over now?" But ten minutes of pain for a lifetime of self-expression is so worth it, and luckily my sister was there to hold my hand.
And a song I'm totally identifying with right now.
Katie & Stephanie prove they're grown up!
Because two days ago, while Spring was visiting, they went and got tattoos!
It feels so surreal. I know I have been talking about my idea for two years now. I once had a sheet of temporary tattoos when I was a kid that were butterflies. I used them all making this intricate swirl pattern on my ribcage, making them look like they were flying. I really liked that I idea the more I thought about it, but I decided that if I were to get it for real, I'd make them birds. In the end I decided upon the silhouettes of three birds. Just plain black and simple.
The birds remind me of seagulls, which mean Cape Cod to me, and represent my family. The bird in the front is for my father, the one with the wings spread is for my mom, and the third one is for my sister, Rachel. As I've grown older I've realized how much I miss them, especially when I'm at school. Now I have them all the time!
The actual tattoo itself hurt, though not as much as I'd anticipated. I knew the ribcage was a painful place, but James was there to hold my hand. That helped. The outlines of the birds hurt more than the shading in, I remember. I love the final product.

I am so happy with it. I'm all set though, I don't anticipate wanting any more.
I'll let Stephanie discuss hers!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Spring break 2011!
I'm so excited that it's spring break and it's only Monday (well, technically Tuesday). And it has been so fantastic, even though we're at home instead of sitting on a warm beach sipping margaritas. :)
Let's recap!
Thursday night, Katie, James, Ted and I played Mario Party. It's kind of a tradition we have. Katie always wins. That's also part of tradition. It was really strange, though, because she didn't win. In fact, she came in third. James, who was in fourth when we finished, ended up getting all the bonuses and walking away with the win.
Friday and Saturday nights, we went to our friend Jamie's with a bunch of other friends. I felt really bad, though, on Friday I was in charge of telling Sam she was invited and got wrapped up in Beirut and playing with my friends that it wasn't until I had to tell her something that I wondered why I was texting here and she wasn't witnessing it in person. Anyway, she ended up coming anyway. :)
Sunday, I picked Ben up at the boat and gave him a ride to Osterville. Then I went to Katie's, where we ate Oreos ("Leave it to girls to plan to eat Oreos", thanks Ted) and took a nap. Then Sunday night my family celebrated an end of an era- my mom finally gave our tenant a month's notice to move out and she's not renting anymore. For the first time in as long as I can remember, we're going to have the house to ourselves!
Then Sunday night I went to the harbor with Ted, where we spent a good couple hours playing Questions. Everything from what's your favorite color to your ideal day to if you could have anything to eat right now, what would it be? I picked grilled cheese for the last one. :)
And today I went shopping with Katie and Lauren, treating myself to a shirt and nail polish from Forever 21. Then Katie and I made pizza for Ted and James, and then we watched a super disturbing movie with Gerard Butler. I did not appreciate it.

Mine is the traditional pizza on the left, and Katie's is alfredo pizza, on the right.
Tomorrow, Spring is coming! We're going to eat fried dough in honor of Fat Tuesday and then Katie is having a bunch of our friends over to pAArty. I'm so excited to see Spring, she is a boatload of fun. :)
Let's recap!
Thursday night, Katie, James, Ted and I played Mario Party. It's kind of a tradition we have. Katie always wins. That's also part of tradition. It was really strange, though, because she didn't win. In fact, she came in third. James, who was in fourth when we finished, ended up getting all the bonuses and walking away with the win.
Friday and Saturday nights, we went to our friend Jamie's with a bunch of other friends. I felt really bad, though, on Friday I was in charge of telling Sam she was invited and got wrapped up in Beirut and playing with my friends that it wasn't until I had to tell her something that I wondered why I was texting here and she wasn't witnessing it in person. Anyway, she ended up coming anyway. :)
Sunday, I picked Ben up at the boat and gave him a ride to Osterville. Then I went to Katie's, where we ate Oreos ("Leave it to girls to plan to eat Oreos", thanks Ted) and took a nap. Then Sunday night my family celebrated an end of an era- my mom finally gave our tenant a month's notice to move out and she's not renting anymore. For the first time in as long as I can remember, we're going to have the house to ourselves!
Then Sunday night I went to the harbor with Ted, where we spent a good couple hours playing Questions. Everything from what's your favorite color to your ideal day to if you could have anything to eat right now, what would it be? I picked grilled cheese for the last one. :)
And today I went shopping with Katie and Lauren, treating myself to a shirt and nail polish from Forever 21. Then Katie and I made pizza for Ted and James, and then we watched a super disturbing movie with Gerard Butler. I did not appreciate it.
Tomorrow, Spring is coming! We're going to eat fried dough in honor of Fat Tuesday and then Katie is having a bunch of our friends over to pAArty. I'm so excited to see Spring, she is a boatload of fun. :)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Katie is a small failure.
Man, I suck at this.
I go through my phases where I'm really into it, then I get overwhelmed and forget. Now that I'm on break though, I hope I'll be able to catch up to Stephanie.
I'm just too tired at the moment, though.
Monday, February 28, 2011
S: I can't believe this is happening.
I have pretty much had the worst day ever.
After sociology, I went to health services because I've had an infection on my leg for the past few weeks. Its disgusting and I don't want to go into a whole lot of detail on it, but I felt like a grown-up (even though I was petrified) going to the doctor and making the appointment and getting my health insurance info all on my own.
I went in there with an infection and walked away being treated for Lyme disease.
The nurse practitioner said that under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be treated for Lyme. However, since I'm from the Cape, my mother and grandmother have full-blown Lyme, and I'm a carrier for it, she's putting me on this awful medication that makes me thirsty and irritable and light sensitive as a precautionary thing.
To top it all off, I don't have my phone charger, and my phone is dead. :( Sad, sad, sad day.
Thank goodness spring break is right around the corner. In 48 short hours I'll be at home, reunited with my phone charger... and my family and Cape friends... for ten days. Yay!
Edit, on Tuesday: Despite yesterday being the worst day ever, there are a million things to be happy about, which I'm about to list here, to make myself feel better.
1. My hair is officially the length I want it to be. I've obtained that goal. However, instead of cutting it, I'm just going to get a trim and continue growing it. I want it at least another six inches!
2. I'm hyper.
3. I'm over-packing for $pr!ng br3@k 2011 but its okay because it makes me, again, so thankful for all that I have.
4. This new medication makes me sensitive to light which gives me a real reason to wear my shades indoors, as opposed to when I wear my shades indoors without a reason and look like a tool.
5. Aside from one midterm, I'm done with school for break! And attending classes for attendance purposes. Technicalities....
After sociology, I went to health services because I've had an infection on my leg for the past few weeks. Its disgusting and I don't want to go into a whole lot of detail on it, but I felt like a grown-up (even though I was petrified) going to the doctor and making the appointment and getting my health insurance info all on my own.
I went in there with an infection and walked away being treated for Lyme disease.
The nurse practitioner said that under normal circumstances, I wouldn't be treated for Lyme. However, since I'm from the Cape, my mother and grandmother have full-blown Lyme, and I'm a carrier for it, she's putting me on this awful medication that makes me thirsty and irritable and light sensitive as a precautionary thing.
To top it all off, I don't have my phone charger, and my phone is dead. :( Sad, sad, sad day.
Thank goodness spring break is right around the corner. In 48 short hours I'll be at home, reunited with my phone charger... and my family and Cape friends... for ten days. Yay!
Edit, on Tuesday: Despite yesterday being the worst day ever, there are a million things to be happy about, which I'm about to list here, to make myself feel better.
1. My hair is officially the length I want it to be. I've obtained that goal. However, instead of cutting it, I'm just going to get a trim and continue growing it. I want it at least another six inches!
2. I'm hyper.
3. I'm over-packing for $pr!ng br3@k 2011 but its okay because it makes me, again, so thankful for all that I have.
4. This new medication makes me sensitive to light which gives me a real reason to wear my shades indoors, as opposed to when I wear my shades indoors without a reason and look like a tool.
5. Aside from one midterm, I'm done with school for break! And attending classes for attendance purposes. Technicalities....
Sunday, February 27, 2011
S, Day 14.
Talk about your siblings.
I have a fifteen-year-old sister, named Lauren, who's actually named Twig if anyone asks. She and I have the greatest relationship ever. We rarely fight, and when we do, its always over food. It sounds trivial, but we can get really vicious if one of us has something the other one wants. We share everything, except for food.
One story sticks out in my head. I'm walking in the mall with my (now ex) boyfriend, Ben, and I have Italian ice. Lauren is walking towards me with her (now ex) boyfriend, Brandon, and the only acknowledgement I got from her was when she took my Italian ice out of my hands and kept walking as if nothing had happened.
Anyway, Lauren and I have always been super close. When our parents got divorced, I made it my duty to take care of her and be the best big sister ever.
Muh sistahs muh best frand ~~~!
I have a fifteen-year-old sister, named Lauren, who's actually named Twig if anyone asks. She and I have the greatest relationship ever. We rarely fight, and when we do, its always over food. It sounds trivial, but we can get really vicious if one of us has something the other one wants. We share everything, except for food.
One story sticks out in my head. I'm walking in the mall with my (now ex) boyfriend, Ben, and I have Italian ice. Lauren is walking towards me with her (now ex) boyfriend, Brandon, and the only acknowledgement I got from her was when she took my Italian ice out of my hands and kept walking as if nothing had happened.
Anyway, Lauren and I have always been super close. When our parents got divorced, I made it my duty to take care of her and be the best big sister ever.
Muh sistahs muh best frand ~~~!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa
Is your bed made? Is your sweater on? Do you want out like you know I do?
I'm identifying with this song because I just spent nearly a week back home (I looooove how my schedule allows me to do that this semester) on Cape Cod. It was a lot of fun, as it usually is. I had a bonfire with Ted one night (I failed at fire building, so he took over), a bonfire with him, Katie, James, Dylan, Vinny and Samantha the next night (that got rained out, oops), a family party the night after that (which turned out to be pretty fun), relaxed on Sunday, and Ted took me to play laser tag on Monday. He'd tell you he won, but I'd point out that I wasn't aware of his extensive laser tag experience before playing, so I felt cheated. Therefore, I really won. After laser tag, we took a walk to the lake where I played on the ice and ate gummy bears. I love gummy bears.
I love being on the Cape. But it always feel so good to get back to Boston and get excited for going out on Thursday, and $pr!ng br3@k 2011, even though I have two projects, two midterms, and a paper due before then. :(
Saturday, February 19, 2011
S's new challenge.
Some days, I hear songs that just speak to me. You know? Like now. I'm completely identifying with Taking Back Sunday's "Miami". So my new challenge is to post here what songs I'm currently identifying with. Like a music journal, but better.
To be honest, I'm identifying with a lot of Taking Back Sunday right now. But I heard "Miami" on my way back from Katie's earlier, and so it is what it is.
To be honest, I'm identifying with a lot of Taking Back Sunday right now. But I heard "Miami" on my way back from Katie's earlier, and so it is what it is.
Friday, February 18, 2011
I actually have a love/hate with that nickname. I love it when used correctly, but not when Katie uses it when I already know I'm wrong, but continue arguing my point... because its principle, damn it. Its 12:49 in the morning, and we're separated by miiiiiiles instead of just a busy street, but I can totally see her here with her eyebrows raised, saying "Stephanoodles" while I try to convince her of something that is totally wrong (usually having to do with the opposite sex). Ah, so good to have her back in my life.
Is there anything I love more than a long weekend at home spent with my closest friends? Well, actually, yeah, there is. Including ice cream and weekends spent in Boston. But weekends at home is right up there with them...
Anyway, this weekend is President's Day. And yay! Cape friends! Tonight, Ted came over andI tried and failed, so he had to take over we built a fire in one the fire pits in my backyard and roasted marshmallows and sacrificed gummy bears and had stupid fun. We talked and listened to music and it was just what I needed after a long, stressful day. Tomorrow night I think I want to do the same, but with him, James, Dylan, Katie and Sam.
I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. HAVING THESE PEOPLE BACK IN MY LIFE. It's been almost a year since Katie and I officially got over ourselves, but I doubt I'll ever stop being happy about having my old crew back. There is nothing better than good friends.

"And keep in mind, we've been friends for so long that nothing will ever truly destroy us. I think Katie and I are living proof of that." Soooo much love for these kids.
EDIT: Oh! Also! Duh! How could I forget?! Rachel, Katie's sister, asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next year! And, as Katie so eloquently put it, I "love wedding shit"! And I dooooooo so I'm so excited to be a part of Rachel's big day. Rachel and I aren't super close, but I've known her for years (I still call Katie and Rachel's parents Mom and Dad). Dude, I was so excited to learn that I was even INVITED to the wedding. This is the first time I'll be an official bridesmaid, not like, a junior bridesmaid, so I'm really excited to be on hand and make sure Rachel is happy every step of the way. I'm not even sure what bridesmaids do except keep the bride happy... which I feel as though I'll be good at.
Is there anything I love more than a long weekend at home spent with my closest friends? Well, actually, yeah, there is. Including ice cream and weekends spent in Boston. But weekends at home is right up there with them...
Anyway, this weekend is President's Day. And yay! Cape friends! Tonight, Ted came over and
I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. HAVING THESE PEOPLE BACK IN MY LIFE. It's been almost a year since Katie and I officially got over ourselves, but I doubt I'll ever stop being happy about having my old crew back. There is nothing better than good friends.
"And keep in mind, we've been friends for so long that nothing will ever truly destroy us. I think Katie and I are living proof of that." Soooo much love for these kids.
EDIT: Oh! Also! Duh! How could I forget?! Rachel, Katie's sister, asked me to be a bridesmaid in her wedding next year! And, as Katie so eloquently put it, I "love wedding shit"! And I dooooooo so I'm so excited to be a part of Rachel's big day. Rachel and I aren't super close, but I've known her for years (I still call Katie and Rachel's parents Mom and Dad). Dude, I was so excited to learn that I was even INVITED to the wedding. This is the first time I'll be an official bridesmaid, not like, a junior bridesmaid, so I'm really excited to be on hand and make sure Rachel is happy every step of the way. I'm not even sure what bridesmaids do except keep the bride happy... which I feel as though I'll be good at.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
K, Day 12.
Day 12. Feelings about Harry Potter.
I'm a fan4lyfe. No but really. I remember being really into it when it came out, and I'll be a fan all the way up until the last movie is sadly released. We went to our first midnight premier this past year, and that was fantastic. I feel bad for shoving and trampling people, but it was necessary. We were part of a ferocious, hardcore group. While we were visiting a friend at Brown, we even saw Emma Watson. I literally moved out of the way for her and said excuse me. If that doesn't count for anything, nothing ever will.
I wish I could go more in depth as to how it got me into reading, etc but I'm sick and slightly delirious. I know what I'm typing doesn't make much sense, and it takes about two tries to spell anything right. So I'm going to go watch me some Weeds and take it easy until Vanessa comes back and we have out Ramen-and-Grilled-Cheese date.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
We're all sick. -S
Yesterday I told Ted that I was coming home this week and to get excited because I'm not sick, since last time I was home I was. and then guess who comes down with a sudden cold. :(
I'm just hoping it comes and goes quick enough for me to have fun with my Cape friends this weekend. I miss them. :(
I'm just hoping it comes and goes quick enough for me to have fun with my Cape friends this weekend. I miss them. :(
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Its the first week that tests and essays being due are cycling around, so we'll forgive Katie for not updating so much. I just finished my first long literary analysis in three years, I had a quiz last Wednesday and a test on Monday. I know that K had a test last week and a test coming up this week.
But that's not even important. What's important is that me and my friends got into a club and danced the night away.
On Thursday, you could have find me, Katie, Katie Mead (Spring), and Vanessa all getting ready to go out. We did each other's hair and make up and got all girly together, dancing and having a classic good time. We got on the T and after a slight production with meeting up with Cap, we met up with him and his roommate and made our way to the club. The visual of Cap walking in with one girl on his arm and four more behind him must have been hysterical. I laugh every time I think about it.
We got to the club and they checked our IDs. Even though four of us were underage, and very clearly so, we were let in. The expressions on our faces, amazing. We got a round of shots and felt so cool ordering our first drinks from the bar. We toasted to Cap and danced until 2AM. I ended up going back to East Boston with Cap and his roommates and hanging out with them until I fell asleep, then had to make the journey back on both the blue and green lines in three inch heels and club clothes. I had Cap's sweatshirt, but still. That was slightly mortifying...

"There's a tree? When was there ever a tree right there?"
But despite looking like grossness walking through East Boston at 10:30 in the morning, I had a good time and I can't wait to go out with them again!
Edited on Sunday: That night was also the first time I ever did something I can't remember doing. Apparently when I was in the cab on the way to East Boston, I called Vanessa, but I don't remember this at all. The evidence is there on my phone, 46 second phone call when I guess I just kept asking if she was okay. Hahahah oh boy.
But that's not even important. What's important is that me and my friends got into a club and danced the night away.
On Thursday, you could have find me, Katie, Katie Mead (Spring), and Vanessa all getting ready to go out. We did each other's hair and make up and got all girly together, dancing and having a classic good time. We got on the T and after a slight production with meeting up with Cap, we met up with him and his roommate and made our way to the club. The visual of Cap walking in with one girl on his arm and four more behind him must have been hysterical. I laugh every time I think about it.
We got to the club and they checked our IDs. Even though four of us were underage, and very clearly so, we were let in. The expressions on our faces, amazing. We got a round of shots and felt so cool ordering our first drinks from the bar. We toasted to Cap and danced until 2AM. I ended up going back to East Boston with Cap and his roommates and hanging out with them until I fell asleep, then had to make the journey back on both the blue and green lines in three inch heels and club clothes. I had Cap's sweatshirt, but still. That was slightly mortifying...
But despite looking like grossness walking through East Boston at 10:30 in the morning, I had a good time and I can't wait to go out with them again!
Edited on Sunday: That night was also the first time I ever did something I can't remember doing. Apparently when I was in the cab on the way to East Boston, I called Vanessa, but I don't remember this at all. The evidence is there on my phone, 46 second phone call when I guess I just kept asking if she was okay. Hahahah oh boy.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
S is taking a break so K can eventually catch up.
So I have this friend, named Cap, who I love with all my heart. And this is why.
Cap recently got a job at a club down in Faneuil Hall and he's going to get me and my friends in! We usually go to this sleazy club called Rise which is totally disgusting and you have to shower when you get home, or if you go straight to bed, its best to wash your sheets the next day. But unfortunately, Rise is the only place that's 18+ and not on a Tuesday. I've never been to Throwed, the Tuesday place, but come on. Most people have class the next day.
Rise is just a sketchy place. The place is lined with mirrors and everyone gets so hot and sweaty dancing that the mirrors fog up. Like, gross! I don't want to be reminded on every corner that I'm perspiring! Not attractive!
But tomorrow we're going for the Heartbreaker's Anti-Valentine's Day party. This will be our first time going to a real club, and we are so (nervously) excited. I went over to Katie's dorm earlier and (sorry about this bbies) infected them with my weekend spirit while they were all trying to study. Oops. ;)
So I have this friend, named Cap, who I love with all my heart. And this is why.
Cap recently got a job at a club down in Faneuil Hall and he's going to get me and my friends in! We usually go to this sleazy club called Rise which is totally disgusting and you have to shower when you get home, or if you go straight to bed, its best to wash your sheets the next day. But unfortunately, Rise is the only place that's 18+ and not on a Tuesday. I've never been to Throwed, the Tuesday place, but come on. Most people have class the next day.
Rise is just a sketchy place. The place is lined with mirrors and everyone gets so hot and sweaty dancing that the mirrors fog up. Like, gross! I don't want to be reminded on every corner that I'm perspiring! Not attractive!
But tomorrow we're going for the Heartbreaker's Anti-Valentine's Day party. This will be our first time going to a real club, and we are so (nervously) excited. I went over to Katie's dorm earlier and (sorry about this bbies) infected them with my weekend spirit while they were all trying to study. Oops. ;)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
S Day Lucky 13
Opinions on Mean Girls.
If we're talking to movie, which I assume we are because its formatted as a proper noun, I love it. Last time I watched it was actually in Florida with Katie, after a 'wtf' night for me where one of my friends called me crying and then I couldn't get back in touch with him. He doesn't remember this at all, and I'm a better friend than to remind him.
If we're talking to movie, which I assume we are because its formatted as a proper noun, I love it. Last time I watched it was actually in Florida with Katie, after a 'wtf' night for me where one of my friends called me crying and then I couldn't get back in touch with him. He doesn't remember this at all, and I'm a better friend than to remind him.
Monday, February 7, 2011
S Day 12
Today I was a serious stressball. Thank God for Katie, the moment I saw her coming across my campus to save me from my anxiety, I seriously felt like crying. I've said it before and I'll say it again: thank God for good friends (and Lady Gaga).
Day 12. Feelings about Harry Potter.
Two words: Holy obsessed.
I didn't get into Harry Potter until the third book came out, because the first chapter of the first book was boring to me as an 8-year-old. When I was 10, I picked it up to see what all the hype was about (skipping the first chapter) and fell in love.
Harry Potter is my childhood, basically. I grew up with Harry, Ron and Hermione. When the seventh book came out I nearly called out of work (didn't) and finished it within three days. And when the seventh movie came out, I was at the midnight premiere.
When the final part of the movie comes out, I know I'm going to be a mess. It'll be like the very last part of my childhood is over and it'll be time to grow up and be a real live adult.
How very boring...
Day 12. Feelings about Harry Potter.
Two words: Holy obsessed.
I didn't get into Harry Potter until the third book came out, because the first chapter of the first book was boring to me as an 8-year-old. When I was 10, I picked it up to see what all the hype was about (skipping the first chapter) and fell in love.
Harry Potter is my childhood, basically. I grew up with Harry, Ron and Hermione. When the seventh book came out I nearly called out of work (didn't) and finished it within three days. And when the seventh movie came out, I was at the midnight premiere.
When the final part of the movie comes out, I know I'm going to be a mess. It'll be like the very last part of my childhood is over and it'll be time to grow up and be a real live adult.
How very boring...
Sunday, February 6, 2011
S Day 11 - a long one, sorry!
:D is really all I have to say about life right now. I don't want to go into tooooo much detail, because this is a public forum/I may be getting ahead of myself, but OH MY GOODNESS life is absolutely phenom.
Anyway, day 11, top 3 fave bands.
I absolutely don't think I can do this. But let's see.
1. Lady Gaga. (She's not a band, I realize, but bear with me.)
Lady Gaga exudes confidence. I've watched videos of her crying on stage out of how grateful she is for how far she's come. She has a song for every mood I'm in. Speechless is probably still my very favorite, which is the perfect sad/drunk with my very best friends song. I have it on now, actually, and it makes me want to throw my arms around Katie and Sam and sway to the music while raising a glass to mend the broken hearts of all my wrecked up friends. The Fame is the perfect summer album, and it takes me back to last summer when everything was amazing. I cannot WAIT until she drops Born This Way as a single, which if I recall is very soon. As in THIS WEEKEND. AS IN A WEEK FROM RIGHT NOW. And the countdown begins...
I really don't know if I can finish this. First of all, I lost my iPod, so I can't even scroll through and tell you what bands I have. So I'm challenging this challenge and deciding that its going to now be my top fave songs of the moment. And it may or may not be more than two more, because I'm bored.
2. "Seaside", by The Kooks.
This song randomly pops up on my iTunes sometimes, and I'm taken back to a time when I really did fall in love on the seaside. That relationship is over now, of course, but I'm so attached to the ocean that I'm not sure if there's ever a time when I won't fall in love on the seaside. Its just one of those songs that makes me feel good and confident about my future, even if my love life is a wreck (in which case I'd probably switch it, but who's counting?). Its acoustic, the singer's voice is soothing, and I recommend it to everyone.
3. "Bottoms Up", by Trey Songz ft. Nicki Minaj.
The unofficial winter break song. This song is about alcohol and partying, and I made sure it was playing at all of the parties over break. My sister and I listen to it while on our drives in the Mustang, and it was one of the first songs she was amazed that I knew, and that I knew what throwing deuces means. Also, I'm really proud I can throw down the Minaj verse, thank you very much. Yes, my dear, you're so explosive.
4. Pretty much any and all acoustic love songs.
I'm not in love and, up until I got my priorities in order, had little interest in falling in love. Though even through the bad times, I've always had a great appreciation for love songs. I'll even go as far as to say that they are the greatest forms of art, ever. And I don't mean mainstream "I'm Yours" Jason Mraz bullshit that was likely written by a group of ten writers, I mean the indie stuff that you KNOW was written by the person singing. I love the happy love and the sad love and the longing love and the in between love. So much love.
5. "Walcott", by Vampire Weekend.
Guilty: I mostly love this song because one of the lyrics is "Don't you wanna get outta Cape Cod, outta Cape Cod tonight?" and I know that feeling so well.
6. "Up All Night", by Drake ft. Nicki Minaj.
This song is pretty much my life in a nutshell. Aside from the fact that I'm white and a starving college student... "I'm about whatever, man/f what they been talkin' about/they opinion doesn't count/we're the only thing that matters, oh/so we do it how we do it" and "I'll be up all night/whole crew's in here/cause I don't really know who I'ma lose this year, oh/man I love my team/I love my team/I would die for them n's" and of course, Nicki "I look like yes/you look like no". ;)
So that was longer than I intended, but whatever. It's only 11 and I'm not tired yet, waaaah.
Anyway, day 11, top 3 fave bands.
I absolutely don't think I can do this. But let's see.
1. Lady Gaga. (She's not a band, I realize, but bear with me.)
Lady Gaga exudes confidence. I've watched videos of her crying on stage out of how grateful she is for how far she's come. She has a song for every mood I'm in. Speechless is probably still my very favorite, which is the perfect sad/drunk with my very best friends song. I have it on now, actually, and it makes me want to throw my arms around Katie and Sam and sway to the music while raising a glass to mend the broken hearts of all my wrecked up friends. The Fame is the perfect summer album, and it takes me back to last summer when everything was amazing. I cannot WAIT until she drops Born This Way as a single, which if I recall is very soon. As in THIS WEEKEND. AS IN A WEEK FROM RIGHT NOW. And the countdown begins...
I really don't know if I can finish this. First of all, I lost my iPod, so I can't even scroll through and tell you what bands I have. So I'm challenging this challenge and deciding that its going to now be my top fave songs of the moment. And it may or may not be more than two more, because I'm bored.
2. "Seaside", by The Kooks.
This song randomly pops up on my iTunes sometimes, and I'm taken back to a time when I really did fall in love on the seaside. That relationship is over now, of course, but I'm so attached to the ocean that I'm not sure if there's ever a time when I won't fall in love on the seaside. Its just one of those songs that makes me feel good and confident about my future, even if my love life is a wreck (in which case I'd probably switch it, but who's counting?). Its acoustic, the singer's voice is soothing, and I recommend it to everyone.
3. "Bottoms Up", by Trey Songz ft. Nicki Minaj.
The unofficial winter break song. This song is about alcohol and partying, and I made sure it was playing at all of the parties over break. My sister and I listen to it while on our drives in the Mustang, and it was one of the first songs she was amazed that I knew, and that I knew what throwing deuces means. Also, I'm really proud I can throw down the Minaj verse, thank you very much. Yes, my dear, you're so explosive.
4. Pretty much any and all acoustic love songs.
I'm not in love and, up until I got my priorities in order, had little interest in falling in love. Though even through the bad times, I've always had a great appreciation for love songs. I'll even go as far as to say that they are the greatest forms of art, ever. And I don't mean mainstream "I'm Yours" Jason Mraz bullshit that was likely written by a group of ten writers, I mean the indie stuff that you KNOW was written by the person singing. I love the happy love and the sad love and the longing love and the in between love. So much love.
5. "Walcott", by Vampire Weekend.
Guilty: I mostly love this song because one of the lyrics is "Don't you wanna get outta Cape Cod, outta Cape Cod tonight?" and I know that feeling so well.
6. "Up All Night", by Drake ft. Nicki Minaj.
This song is pretty much my life in a nutshell. Aside from the fact that I'm white and a starving college student... "I'm about whatever, man/f what they been talkin' about/they opinion doesn't count/we're the only thing that matters, oh/so we do it how we do it" and "I'll be up all night/whole crew's in here/cause I don't really know who I'ma lose this year, oh/man I love my team/I love my team/I would die for them n's" and of course, Nicki "I look like yes/you look like no". ;)
So that was longer than I intended, but whatever. It's only 11 and I'm not tired yet, waaaah.
K Day 11!
Discuss your top three favorite bands.
This is a hard one. At the moment, I have lots of favorite songs, but bands? It's been a while since I've found a single band that I listen to exclusively. Or maybe I do and just don't realize it. Looking at my iTunes, I guess I could pick three that I listen to the most.
1. Tegan and Sara. They have that feel good, background music that sounds similar but each song is different when you focus in. It's generally light hearted and easy to listen and fall asleep to. I got all their albums a few months ago from my roommate and I've been in love ever since. I never realized I would consider them a favorite, though, until now. Hmm. They would be a lot of fun to see in concert, I think.
2. Dari. People make fun of me to no end about this band- they're four guys, straight out of Italy. Well, they haven't quite left Italy yet. That's the problem. They only sing in Italian songs in a style that's not necessarily popular in America anymore- the sort of popish punk with some techno thrown in. But these guys are what really got me interested in studying Italian. I signed up on a whim, and was doubting if I should stick with it or go back to Spanish. I was on the MTV Italia site when I saw some of the TRL videos. 'Casa Casa Mia' was one of the songs, and it had a simple enough title that I could understand. And it was love ever since. It's so crazy, but it definitely gave me an incentive to learn the language (marry the frontman named Dario) and I could always find a way to relate some new grammar back to one of their songs. To this day, I listen to equal, if not more, Italian music as I do English.
3. My Chemical Romance. I have such a history with these guys. They were the first real band that I LOVED. Obsessively. Stephanie and I were little ninth grade groupies and went to about 5 concerts over the years. They're not nearly as popular as they were way back when, but no matter what they do, I know I'll be loyal and follow them. Even if Gerard, who I was supposed to marry, had a daughter named Bandit. That's the only stupid decision I think they've really ever made.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Katie's Challenge, Day 10.
Talk about the pets you have orwould like to have.
It's a bit of a zoo at my house sometimes. The oldest pet I have is Molly, our 10 year old yellow lab who acts like a 3 year old. She's insane and hyper and fat and right at that awkward crotch level, so when she freaks out when someone new comes over, she licks there and people feel a bit violated. And then there's Jack, a big black cat. I got him first about three or four years ago, but ever since he became an outdoor cat, he's wild. But beautiful! He has these intense yellow eyes and he's part siamese, so this really pointy face. Then when my sister was living in the midwest, she and her exboyfriend adopted an orange cat named Mickey, which has subsequently been renamed Dunnigan by James. I'm still not sure where that came from, I forget. And then my sister adopted yet another cat she couldn't take care of on her own. This one is named Lucy, but I still call her Pregs because sure enough, when we brought her home we realized she was pregnant. Which leads to our other three cats- Oliver, Timmy, and Sawyer. There were two more kittens, but we gave them away. Oliver is Rachel's, my mom liked Timmy, and Sawyer/ Soybean/Jellybean is mine. He's adorable and a klepto and I plan to bring him into the city with me someday.
And then I had a fish named Dario who died just a few days before winter vacation ended. He got a lovely service before I flushed him. My sister also left a plethora of fish at home too, which have to be kept out of reach of all six cats.
I am such a cat person. I weird myself out sometimes.
But in other news, I got a haircut! It's been an obscene amount of time. Like two and a half years. I know, I know. But in my biased defense, it didn't look like it had been that long. Or maybe it did. I don't know. But I went for it and it feels so short! I brought back the bangs. I feel the need to post a picture.

Friday, February 4, 2011
S Day 10.
"I'm like 13 inches taller than you, and six to the thirteenth power is a million."
"How does that make sense?"
"Because that's how democracy works!"
...Ah I had such a great day today. :)
And as it pertained to college: "You're not doing psychology, are you?"
"I am."
"Get out. Get out now. Everyone I know who's a therapist or something like that hates it."
"Well, I mean... there's like a 26% happiness rate with graduates of psychology, but I'm really hoping to be that one in four!"
Anyway, day ten. Talk about the pets you have or would like to have.
I have two dogs and five cats.
Well actually, I refuse to lay claim to any of the animals except for two of the cats, since I didn't want them in the first place and those two were the only ones I wanted.
My cats are Hayley and Flloyd. We got Hayley when I was in the third grade and Flloyd I gave to my exboyfriend last year. And now he's basically mine.
Then there's FiFi, Flloyd's sister, who is a very very mean cat.
And Chloe and Oliver are my mom's shitzus who are so ugly they're cute.
And my dad has two cats, Sadie, who's deaf, and CiCi, who's the devil in cat form.
"How does that make sense?"
"Because that's how democracy works!"
...Ah I had such a great day today. :)
And as it pertained to college: "You're not doing psychology, are you?"
"I am."
"Get out. Get out now. Everyone I know who's a therapist or something like that hates it."
"Well, I mean... there's like a 26% happiness rate with graduates of psychology, but I'm really hoping to be that one in four!"
Anyway, day ten. Talk about the pets you have or would like to have.
I have two dogs and five cats.
Well actually, I refuse to lay claim to any of the animals except for two of the cats, since I didn't want them in the first place and those two were the only ones I wanted.
My cats are Hayley and Flloyd. We got Hayley when I was in the third grade and Flloyd I gave to my exboyfriend last year. And now he's basically mine.
Then there's FiFi, Flloyd's sister, who is a very very mean cat.
And Chloe and Oliver are my mom's shitzus who are so ugly they're cute.
And my dad has two cats, Sadie, who's deaf, and CiCi, who's the devil in cat form.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
S Day 9.
Classes were cancelled yesterday and today because of the massive snow storm we had. I was feeling like crap, so I decided to make the treck from Fenway to South Station and make my way to the Cape for a long weekend of relaxation.
I made it to the other side of the path between my dorm and Staples and wanted to turn around, the weather was awful. So thankful I didn't, though. Once I got home, I had some soup and sat on the couch texting and watching trash reality TV. So nice.
I'm planning to lie low for the next few days and go back to Boston Saturday. Except on Friday I'm going to be hanging out with my friend and who knows what we'll be doing. I think I might drag him to play arcade games with me. Dying to play some air hockey. :)
I have a huge collection of pictures like this, with plans to turn a good number of them into prints for my room.
I made it to the other side of the path between my dorm and Staples and wanted to turn around, the weather was awful. So thankful I didn't, though. Once I got home, I had some soup and sat on the couch texting and watching trash reality TV. So nice.
I'm planning to lie low for the next few days and go back to Boston Saturday. Except on Friday I'm going to be hanging out with my friend and who knows what we'll be doing. I think I might drag him to play arcade games with me. Dying to play some air hockey. :)
I have a huge collection of pictures like this, with plans to turn a good number of them into prints for my room.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Katie's Challenge, Day 9
Favorite meme at the moment.
You know, I still don't know what these are called. Nor do I care. I just know I love them, and have a million saved.

You can't tell me that perfectly questionable pictures with witty captions & plays on words don't make you laugh. I shamelessly love them.
But more importantly, because of all this fantastic snow, school is cancelled for tomorrow! It actually closed today at 1. We were all waiting anxiously to get the numerous calls and texts, but Simmons is really slow at pulling the trigger to say we don't have to go- usually they come at 6am, which defeats the purpose of sleeping in. But alas, they proved us wrong and sent everything out before 10 pm which was amazing. We all freaked out and screamed in the hallway for longer than was needed, and then I proceeded to stop studying for the quiz in Health Assessment I was supposed to have and watched Netflix instead. Tomorrow we have plans to go get crepes (again) in Coolidge Corner and maybe go to Gap Body. And after that, I will plant myself under my covers and in front of my computer to have a Weeds marathon. Good stuff.
Monday, January 31, 2011
S, Day 8.
Yay for not sugarcoating our ridiculous behavior on a blog that's supposed to be about the true college life!
No but I'll agree with Katie. Sugarcoating is dunzo.
From my perspective, that party was amazing in all the ways stereotypical college parties should be. From our toast ("To Thursdays!") to waking up surrounded by Katie's friends at their dorm and reliving the night before. I love college and those girls so much.
Anyway, day 8!
I exercise at the gym 3-4 times a week. I'd love to go more, but I just got back at school and am trying to get back into my diet and exercise routine. I usually do the elliptical for a half hour, then resistance for another half hour. I JUST started doing resistance, and it's killer. In an excellent sort of way.
I do try to diet by eating ~healthy options as much as I can. Though I hate it, I see results a lot faster than with my ordinary diet habits. Salads are just so boring though. :(
No but I'll agree with Katie. Sugarcoating is dunzo.
From my perspective, that party was amazing in all the ways stereotypical college parties should be. From our toast ("To Thursdays!") to waking up surrounded by Katie's friends at their dorm and reliving the night before. I love college and those girls so much.
Anyway, day 8!
I exercise at the gym 3-4 times a week. I'd love to go more, but I just got back at school and am trying to get back into my diet and exercise routine. I usually do the elliptical for a half hour, then resistance for another half hour. I JUST started doing resistance, and it's killer. In an excellent sort of way.
I do try to diet by eating ~healthy options as much as I can. Though I hate it, I see results a lot faster than with my ordinary diet habits. Salads are just so boring though. :(
Saturday, January 29, 2011
K, Day 8!
Okay, so I'm a slacker.
Being back at school has been such a whirlwind. I've had one of the strangest nights of my life a few days ago, at a party with some of Katie Mead's friends from Europe. They were all very nice, but got us very drunk. Vodka, Jack Daniel's and Tequila should not be mixed and/or consumed in just a few hours. I never thought I'd be like this, going to some party and getting a bloody lip and throwing up at a T station and not remembering how I managed to get home and take my contacts and earrings out. I'm just not like that. But I'm also in college. Not that that's an excuse, I guess, but considering I never did anything like this in high school, I'm not ashamed. That's a new realization I've come to lately, considering some drama that has been going on: I'm not going to apologize for who I am. If you don't like my decisions or what I'm doing then I'm sorry. But I can't care all the time because pleasing everyone and censoring myself in front of some people and not others is finally catching up with me. It can't be done. And I don't say this in a sassy, snap-your-fingers-in-a-Z-formation kind of way, but just in an honest one. I'm not the same person I was a few years ago and I'm okay with that. I like it.
I also realized that I'm halfway done with my nursing training tonight. Crazy! This time in three years or so, I will be on my own. Working at a hospital. Having my own apartment. Maybe living with friends or just me and my cat Sawyer. Sawyer and the City. Who knows. But that scares me. I have my first clinical on Monday, 7-3. I'm excited but so, so nervous. I just feel like I'm going to forget everything. I'm going to be on a general surgery/bariatrics unit. Which essentially means obese patients coming in for stomach stapling and other various surgeries. Not as exciting as what some other people have, but maybe that's a good place to start. My instructor seems really nice. Plus her name is Katie, so I figured maybe she'll give me a break.
And I suck at this 30 day challenge. It's going to probably turn into a 365 day challenge. But anyway, the 8th day is talk about your exercise habits.
I, unfortunately, will be the first to admit I don't go to the gym. Or do any sort of formal exercise. My compensation, in my mind, is the fact that I walk everywhere. It's a half mile walking to my academic campus and back, and I usually do that multiple times per day. I complain about walking everywhere on a superficial level, but I do enjoy it. I'm trying to get myself to do more though, and even bought myself a pretty sports bra. So far, I admire it when I open my drawer but have yet to put it on. Maybe, though! You never know.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
I'm officially back at school. I'm having a bit of an off day, but I keep trying to remember what a friend said to me yesterday to try and cheer me up after some bad news. "Tomorrow, I'll raise a glass to mend the heart of my wrecked up friend."
Thank GOD for good friends and Lady Gaga.
Thank GOD for good friends and Lady Gaga.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
So psyched!
I just am having a moment of gratitude for my life and how fortunate I am and I want everyone to know so I'm writing it down right here.
Last night I hung out with Mark, watching the Jersey Shore and the West Wing (two completely different shows) and talking on the phone with Katie, today I got lunch with Ben, hung out at the Boarding House with James and Tim, went to Dolci and they all fawned over me like I was a lost child coming home, came home to my mom and my mom's friend (hopefully will be boyfriend, he's awesome... I probably think that because he brought me baklava once, and anyone who brings me sweets is high on my list) cooking lobster dinner, I'm packing and I have so many clothes and shoes I'm overwhelmed but so thankful I went from nothing to all this and I bought most of them on my own, and now I'm trying to finish packing but I'm about to cry over how thankful I am for my life right now. Also, I got a very nice text from KWay! :D And so many good songs are coming up on my iPod on shuffle right now. And tonight I'm going to visit poor Sam who just had her wisdom teeth out, I think I'm hanging out with Ben again and possibly seeing Vinny, Dylan and James. :) Yayayayay!
Yay I love life. <3
Last night I hung out with Mark, watching the Jersey Shore and the West Wing (two completely different shows) and talking on the phone with Katie, today I got lunch with Ben, hung out at the Boarding House with James and Tim, went to Dolci and they all fawned over me like I was a lost child coming home, came home to my mom and my mom's friend (hopefully will be boyfriend, he's awesome... I probably think that because he brought me baklava once, and anyone who brings me sweets is high on my list) cooking lobster dinner, I'm packing and I have so many clothes and shoes I'm overwhelmed but so thankful I went from nothing to all this and I bought most of them on my own, and now I'm trying to finish packing but I'm about to cry over how thankful I am for my life right now. Also, I got a very nice text from KWay! :D And so many good songs are coming up on my iPod on shuffle right now. And tonight I'm going to visit poor Sam who just had her wisdom teeth out, I think I'm hanging out with Ben again and possibly seeing Vinny, Dylan and James. :) Yayayayay!
Yay I love life. <3
Friday, January 21, 2011
S, Day 7.
How you came across tumblr and how your life has changed since joining.
I came across Tumblr because a girl I had met through Emmanuel kept cross posting her Tumblr posts to the Facebook newsfeed. I liked that idea, so I signed up, even though I only use it now as a blog to record the funny things my friends and I say.
Shit My Friends Say. <-- there.
Other than now having our ridiculous conversations immortalized for all the world to see, my life really hasn't changed since joining any blogging site. I prefer Facebook to blogs, honestly, and my Twitter is a much better record keeper of my daily life. I like to write, though, so blogging gives me an easy outlet for that, and I like getting feedback via comments.
I came across Tumblr because a girl I had met through Emmanuel kept cross posting her Tumblr posts to the Facebook newsfeed. I liked that idea, so I signed up, even though I only use it now as a blog to record the funny things my friends and I say.
Shit My Friends Say. <-- there.
Other than now having our ridiculous conversations immortalized for all the world to see, my life really hasn't changed since joining any blogging site. I prefer Facebook to blogs, honestly, and my Twitter is a much better record keeper of my daily life. I like to write, though, so blogging gives me an easy outlet for that, and I like getting feedback via comments.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Stephanie 30DC, Days 5 and 6.
Tell us about your three favorite colors (I don't think Katie and I could be more different).

Pink: I'm not sure why I love this so much, since it's so different than what I used to be into (read: dark, melodramatic colors). But no, anything pink I'm all over. And if it has sparkles... oh goodness. Don't even get me started. My dream is to drive a Barbie pink car before I get too old and it's gross.
Blue: I feel most alive when I'm swimming, especially in the ocean. The color of the ocean (at least of the North Atlantic), makes me really happy, and I have a mostly navy blue wardrobe.
It's really difficult for me to decide on another color, so I'm just going to go with bright colors. Again, this is difficult for me to explain, but I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the store and bought something because it's bright. I can't count how many times I've heard one of my friends say "You would" at the checkout line, due to the color of whatever it is I was buying.
Tell us about your favorite season, and why.

No competition. Summer is my favorite season.
I love everything about it, from lazy afternoons spent at the beach to late nights spent at work serving snobby tourists their overpriced Italian food. I love bonfires at Sandy Neck spent doing cartwheels down the beach and playing charades. I love all the bonfires we have in my backyard, and I'm excited to see how this summer is going to top the one we had over Thanksgiving break. I love wearing dresses without feeling like an idiot. I like the way my hair gets light and my skin gets dark. I like rolling down the windows of the Mustang and blasting obnoxious music on North Street.
I love summer, but I can't write about it anymore. It's making me depressed it's still four months away (though, only four months!).
Pink: I'm not sure why I love this so much, since it's so different than what I used to be into (read: dark, melodramatic colors). But no, anything pink I'm all over. And if it has sparkles... oh goodness. Don't even get me started. My dream is to drive a Barbie pink car before I get too old and it's gross.
Blue: I feel most alive when I'm swimming, especially in the ocean. The color of the ocean (at least of the North Atlantic), makes me really happy, and I have a mostly navy blue wardrobe.
It's really difficult for me to decide on another color, so I'm just going to go with bright colors. Again, this is difficult for me to explain, but I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the store and bought something because it's bright. I can't count how many times I've heard one of my friends say "You would" at the checkout line, due to the color of whatever it is I was buying.
Tell us about your favorite season, and why.
No competition. Summer is my favorite season.
I love everything about it, from lazy afternoons spent at the beach to late nights spent at work serving snobby tourists their overpriced Italian food. I love bonfires at Sandy Neck spent doing cartwheels down the beach and playing charades. I love all the bonfires we have in my backyard, and I'm excited to see how this summer is going to top the one we had over Thanksgiving break. I love wearing dresses without feeling like an idiot. I like the way my hair gets light and my skin gets dark. I like rolling down the windows of the Mustang and blasting obnoxious music on North Street.
I love summer, but I can't write about it anymore. It's making me depressed it's still four months away (though, only four months!).
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
K, Day 7!
How you came across tumblr and how your life has changed since joining.
Well, I came across it because a friend on facebook had one, I believe. So I decided that since I didn't update my livejournal often, I could do it in quotes and pictures. (This 30 day challenge was clearly meant for tumblr, but we have one anyway. I'll post it!) But I can't say I'm so invested in these online blogs that my life has changed. I still prefer my own diary to write in. is my personal one. is the one that is updated with stupid things Stephanie & my friends say. It's pretty hilarious to me, anyway.
On a side note, classes started today. I had a class called Health Assessment where we learn to basically just assess people. Take health histories, learn breath sounds, stuff like that. Class was 8 am- 10 am (too early!) and then lab from 12-2. It wasn't bad at all, and then Sarah, Vanessa, Katie & I went to the MFA because it's an atrocity that we live in Boston and don't go. We saw the new American wing and got hot chocolate in the cafe. My new favorite artist is John Singer Sargent, and his painting Rosina- Capri.

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