Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stephanie 30DC, Days 5 and 6.

Tell us about your three favorite colors (I don't think Katie and I could be more different).

Pink: I'm not sure why I love this so much, since it's so different than what I used to be into (read: dark, melodramatic colors). But no, anything pink I'm all over. And if it has sparkles... oh goodness. Don't even get me started. My dream is to drive a Barbie pink car before I get too old and it's gross.
Blue: I feel most alive when I'm swimming, especially in the ocean. The color of the ocean (at least of the North Atlantic), makes me really happy, and I have a mostly navy blue wardrobe.
It's really difficult for me to decide on another color, so I'm just going to go with bright colors. Again, this is difficult for me to explain, but I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the store and bought something because it's bright. I can't count how many times I've heard one of my friends say "You would" at the checkout line, due to the color of whatever it is I was buying.

Tell us about your favorite season, and why.

No competition. Summer is my favorite season.

I love everything about it, from lazy afternoons spent at the beach to late nights spent at work serving snobby tourists their overpriced Italian food. I love bonfires at Sandy Neck spent doing cartwheels down the beach and playing charades. I love all the bonfires we have in my backyard, and I'm excited to see how this summer is going to top the one we had over Thanksgiving break. I love wearing dresses without feeling like an idiot. I like the way my hair gets light and my skin gets dark. I like rolling down the windows of the Mustang and blasting obnoxious music on North Street.

I love summer, but I can't write about it anymore. It's making me depressed it's still four months away (though, only four months!).

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