Sunday, January 16, 2011

S30DC. Day 2.

To me, it's still day one because I haven't gone to sleep yet (ignore the fact that it's 4:30 AM, please).

Piercings and tattoos.
I have no tattoos, and I'm still unsure if I want one. Probably not. My tastes change on almost a weekly basis, and I can barely commit to plans for tomorrow night, never mind something that will be on my body forever. If I were to get one, it would be tiny, no bigger than the mole on my back (about dime size, probably smaller).

I do have my ears pierced each once and then my belly button is pierced. I did that one to hold up my end of a deal; I had told Sam she should get her cartilage done, and she said if she did then I would have to pierce something, too. Not expecting her to do it, and especially not expecting her to surprise me one day with "Hey I got my cartilage done, let's go to Pincushion for you", I agreed. And I basically just told you the rest of the story.

On a side note, if you had told me three years ago THIS is where I would have ended up with the people I consider close to me now, I would never, ever, in a million years, have believed you. I love it.

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