Friday, February 4, 2011

S Day 10.

"I'm like 13 inches taller than you, and six to the thirteenth power is a million."
"How does that make sense?"
"Because that's how democracy works!"
...Ah I had such a great day today. :)

And as it pertained to college: "You're not doing psychology, are you?"
"I am."
"Get out. Get out now. Everyone I know who's a therapist or something like that hates it."
"Well, I mean... there's like a 26% happiness rate with graduates of psychology, but I'm really hoping to be that one in four!"

Anyway, day ten. Talk about the pets you have or would like to have.
I have two dogs and five cats.
Well actually, I refuse to lay claim to any of the animals except for two of the cats, since I didn't want them in the first place and those two were the only ones I wanted.
My cats are Hayley and Flloyd. We got Hayley when I was in the third grade and Flloyd I gave to my exboyfriend last year. And now he's basically mine.
Then there's FiFi, Flloyd's sister, who is a very very mean cat.
And Chloe and Oliver are my mom's shitzus who are so ugly they're cute.
And my dad has two cats, Sadie, who's deaf, and CiCi, who's the devil in cat form.

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