Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Katie writes.

"Why do things feel out of focus? They slide in and out and get fuzzy, like my contacts forget they're supposed to be doing their job. I look and they go, 'oh right, we're here. Let's do this.' I see all the different colored, worn fibers on the carpet. A light olive color that was probably once cream. Gross, dirty avocado green. The outside, not the inside like guacamole. I don't like guacamole. Or sour cream. At all. Fuck those. there's also an even darker, sort of seafoam green too. It makes a really bad, aesthetically horrifying appearance. My eyes are having a tumultuous relationship with these fibers right now. They're lined up like corn or sunflowers in a field. And we stomp all over it, making it ugly. Like that giant at the top of the beanstalk that Jack meets."

Yeah, that was my insightful literary genius from last night. Technically today, when the after effects were still raging strong. I had this overwhelming desire to write, and that's what came out. Interesting.

Anyway, today was cool because I signed up for this study at MGH where I got 25$ cash to go and give two vials of blood. It's some type of hypertension study. If I get picked I get 600$! I totally signed up, and left today with cashola in my pocket.
I'm going home tomorrow morning after class because I have to babysit my cousin's son tomorrow night. James is coming too so I'll have someone to talk to for the four or five hours after he goes to bed. Friday we might be celebrating Samantha's birthday, too. That will be fun! But I have two exams next week so I have to be back for that. Lame. At least we have Monday off and I will have a week off from clinical! Oh, I signed up for classes today too. I have med/surg Monday mornings from 8-noon (ugh), lifespan psychology Tuesday nights from 6:30-9:30, and then this International Nutrition class on Thursday nights from 5:30-8:30. Not too shabby!

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