Saturday, January 29, 2011

K, Day 8!

Okay, so I'm a slacker.

Being back at school has been such a whirlwind. I've had one of the strangest nights of my life a few days ago, at a party with some of Katie Mead's friends from Europe. They were all very nice, but got us very drunk. Vodka, Jack Daniel's and Tequila should not be mixed and/or consumed in just a few hours. I never thought I'd be like this, going to some party and getting a bloody lip and throwing up at a T station and not remembering how I managed to get home and take my contacts and earrings out. I'm just not like that. But I'm also in college. Not that that's an excuse, I guess, but considering I never did anything like this in high school, I'm not ashamed. That's a new realization I've come to lately, considering some drama that has been going on: I'm not going to apologize for who I am. If you don't like my decisions or what I'm doing then I'm sorry. But I can't care all the time because pleasing everyone and censoring myself in front of some people and not others is finally catching up with me. It can't be done. And I don't say this in a sassy, snap-your-fingers-in-a-Z-formation kind of way, but just in an honest one. I'm not the same person I was a few years ago and I'm okay with that. I like it.
I also realized that I'm halfway done with my nursing training tonight. Crazy! This time in three years or so, I will be on my own. Working at a hospital. Having my own apartment. Maybe living with friends or just me and my cat Sawyer. Sawyer and the City. Who knows. But that scares me. I have my first clinical on Monday, 7-3. I'm excited but so, so nervous. I just feel like I'm going to forget everything. I'm going to be on a general surgery/bariatrics unit. Which essentially means obese patients coming in for stomach stapling and other various surgeries. Not as exciting as what some other people have, but maybe that's a good place to start. My instructor seems really nice. Plus her name is Katie, so I figured maybe she'll give me a break.

And I suck at this 30 day challenge. It's going to probably turn into a 365 day challenge. But anyway, the 8th day is talk about your exercise habits.
I, unfortunately, will be the first to admit I don't go to the gym. Or do any sort of formal exercise. My compensation, in my mind, is the fact that I walk everywhere. It's a half mile walking to my academic campus and back, and I usually do that multiple times per day. I complain about walking everywhere on a superficial level, but I do enjoy it. I'm trying to get myself to do more though, and even bought myself a pretty sports bra. So far, I admire it when I open my drawer but have yet to put it on. Maybe, though! You never know.

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