Monday, April 25, 2011

It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine, sweet summertime.

So I'm sitting in the Cape Cod Community College library right now. The internet is out at my house and I'm waiting for Sam to get out of her appointment so I can see her before I head back to Boston for the final stretch.

I'm loving life today.

All the drama from last weekend totally blew over. All it took (which I knew it would) was for me to meet up with my good friend and talk things over. Like Katie and I, it'll take a little time before things get back to 100% normal, I'm sure, but eventually it will. I just have a feeling.

For the record, Katie and I are totally back to normal and have been for awhile. May 10th is our refriendship anniversary!

Also, I've been texting my Godmother today about my baby Godbrother. He's doing so well. He's literally a living miracle, a month ago he had his accident and now he's playing tic tac toe with him mom and Skyping with me. Okay well we haven't Skyped yet, but we would be NOW if the stupid internet wasn't down.

I also went back to work last week! Ah, it felt so good to be back. I worked on Easter which sucked, but I worked with the newest worker, Lauren. Pretty much became fast friends from the moment she walked into the kitchen yelling PEOPLE IN THE KITCHEN, PEOPLE IN THE KITCHEN and when we jumped around because "who cares if we look like idiots, we're having fun". That's my kind of person, right there.

FINAL STRETCH two more weeks to this very moment and I'll be at home for the summer! Hurray!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

S's music challenge.

Pretty much this entire song is my life right now.

I'll update later about my family party and stuff, but this song really hits it right now.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Katie writes.

"Why do things feel out of focus? They slide in and out and get fuzzy, like my contacts forget they're supposed to be doing their job. I look and they go, 'oh right, we're here. Let's do this.' I see all the different colored, worn fibers on the carpet. A light olive color that was probably once cream. Gross, dirty avocado green. The outside, not the inside like guacamole. I don't like guacamole. Or sour cream. At all. Fuck those. there's also an even darker, sort of seafoam green too. It makes a really bad, aesthetically horrifying appearance. My eyes are having a tumultuous relationship with these fibers right now. They're lined up like corn or sunflowers in a field. And we stomp all over it, making it ugly. Like that giant at the top of the beanstalk that Jack meets."

Yeah, that was my insightful literary genius from last night. Technically today, when the after effects were still raging strong. I had this overwhelming desire to write, and that's what came out. Interesting.

Anyway, today was cool because I signed up for this study at MGH where I got 25$ cash to go and give two vials of blood. It's some type of hypertension study. If I get picked I get 600$! I totally signed up, and left today with cashola in my pocket.
I'm going home tomorrow morning after class because I have to babysit my cousin's son tomorrow night. James is coming too so I'll have someone to talk to for the four or five hours after he goes to bed. Friday we might be celebrating Samantha's birthday, too. That will be fun! But I have two exams next week so I have to be back for that. Lame. At least we have Monday off and I will have a week off from clinical! Oh, I signed up for classes today too. I have med/surg Monday mornings from 8-noon (ugh), lifespan psychology Tuesday nights from 6:30-9:30, and then this International Nutrition class on Thursday nights from 5:30-8:30. Not too shabby!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm in love, alright

with my crazy, beautiful life.

This weekend was spent having good times in Boston. I love my life, so much, but it's serious business this week. I have to go home this weekend and next weekend, but I want so badly to just put the past three days on repeat.

On Thursday Katie and I had a night in, playing games and then we went for a walk and met up with Jeff. He didn't stay long and I was back in my room by 12:30 or so. The next day, James came up and we all crept around Fenway for opening day and walked to Newbury Street and the Pru. They had a cute little date night and then we all hung out until about midnight. Then yesterday, Theresa came to visit! We hung out all day and then after dinner I went to play Sims with Katie, and then we went on an adventure to East Boston to see Cap for a few minutes (an hour and a half of travel to see him for a total of about twenty minutes... needless to say, that didn't count as us hanging out). Then we got back and Jeff took us to a party at BU. So much fun.

Then again, I'm seriously looking forward to Thursday night when I've already asked my friend to take a walk on the beach with me. Ugh dying for the sand and surf...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat often.

Well, throughout the past few weeks, I think I've been to hell and back thirty million times.

First of all, the main thing on my mind has been Ryan. He woke up from his coma and is moving everything except for his right leg; we don't know if that's from brain damage or his spine being broken in three places or his pelvis bone being broken. He just went in for another surgery today and even though I know he's going to be okay, every time I hear there's been another setback I'm beside myself with fear. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him.

In other news, last night I Skyped for an hour with my old roommate. It was great catching up with her. Also, always look forward to my phone dates with Ted. We've also all begun working on our summer to-do list, which I keep the master list. I think I'm most looking forward to 'Classy Double Date Night' and Six Flags, of course.

Also, Katie and I have been talking about our post-grad plans! She's going to be a nurse and I'm going to take a bit of time off before getting back into grad school (there's no way I can live this dirt poor for another four to six years) so we're thinking about moving out of state and trying the West Coast out for a few years before settling back in New England. Neither of us can picture living anywhere else for our whole lives.

I'm pretty excited about that opportunity, actually.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Katie has a realization.

There's only about five weeks left of the semester. When did that happen?

Everything is flying by so fast. I don't have nearly enough time in the day to do everything I'd like to, and when I finally stop to breathe it's like oh shit, school is almost over. I'll be working full time this summer, and I hope to come up to Boston often. Until then, it's full steam ahead with three quizzes this week, one paper, one exam...