Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I just have to record my day somewhere.

Today was amazing and bittersweet in all the right ways. To quote a lyric from a song I played more than once, "hands down, today is the best day I can ever remember".

I woke up early and got ready, then Ted picked me up. We hit the road, stopping for coffee (at Mary Lou's, at my insistence, because goddammit I wanted an Oreo Cookie Monster, lactose intolerance be damned). We ended up having to postpone the visit with Ryan for a few hours, so we stopped at the Holyoke Mall and shopped for a couple hours.

One, I'm psyched that Ted likes shopping as much as I do. Two, that mall is amazing at noon on a Tuesday. It wasn't crowded at all, the stores were neat, Forever 21 is huge, they have an H&M... ugh amazing.

I got two skirts, three shirts and a tank top at Forever 21 (for 25$!), a bag at H&M (6$), a shirt at PacSun ($7), and some things at Sephora which I only had to pay 13$ for because I had a leftover gift card. Ted got some new shirts, a new pair of shoes and something else I can't really remember at this point in time, though I swear he bought things from three different stores.

After the mall we went to Ryan's, where Tyler met us outside and told us what to expect. Then Ryan came outside and gave me a hug and oh my God. He's alive. He's amazing. I don't want to go into to much detail here because I feel like that would take away from my experience with him, and make me cry (I held out! I didn't cry until I got back into the car!) but... I'm just so thankful he's alive.

Then we left and headed towards Southampton, and stopped in and visited real quick with my grandmother and step-grandfather. Then we went to my aunt and uncle's, where Ted was pretty much bombarded with talking about the demolition derby and Liv showed us her American Girl Dolls (which Ted had never heard of... clearly, not okay by Liv and I). We ate dinner with them and, when we left, Ted told me that he could totally tell that they were my family. Liv especially, he said, is just like me.

After a full day of visiting my family, we thought it only proper to stop in and surprise Ted's family on the way back to the Cape. His family is awesome, I met his mom, his brother, and his mom's boyfriend. I forget what it is I said, but his mom was like "I love you already" and just made me feel really welcome. We had a second dinner with them and she made me pizza when Ted made some comment about how I don't eat leftovers. We told them all about our summer to-do list and his brother showed us how he's learning the drums and they all reacted the same way Ted did when he mentioned I had never seen any of the Back To The Futures. Oops?

It was a really long, emotional drive home. I think I cried the whole way, thinking about Ryan. It was so good to see him, but I'm still in serious shock over the whole thing.

Things will never be the same, that's just the way it is.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Welcome to wherever you are.

Woah, have I really been home two weeks already?!

I've been having such a good time! My fun has included babysitting my cousin's daughter, working, dancing with my bffs, bonfires with new and old friends, a round of mini golf, hot tubbing, swimming out to a floating trampoline, thrifting, dancing on a lifeguard tower in the rain late at night, laying out with my sister, burgers on the grill, cooking dinner in my new kitchen (I'm pro at tater tots), early morning cuddle seshes with my two best friends, texting each other instead of talking... in other words, it's been perfect so far.

On Tuesday, Ted is driving me up to see Ryan. I'm so excited to see my little Godbrother, the little miracle that he is. The crash was two months ago and he's HOME! It's a weird feeling, knowing you're going to see someone you thought you'd never see again. It's a combo of nerves, excitement, and a feeling like I want to cry. I don't think I'll be able to leave and I anticipate crying. A lot.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Summahtime, and the livin's easy.

It's summer, guys!

Like everyone says, it hasn't hit me yet. My parents left for a few days and I have the house to myself and it's just weird. The fact it's been raining nonstop doesn't help either, but still. I have a full week before I go back to work and I desperately wanted it to be nice out so maybe I could go to the beach or something, but oh well. The fact that I can sleep in and not think about pharmacology ever again is a fair enough trade off.

Today I'm meeting up with Steph and she's babysitting the most adorable eight month old baby girl that I've ever seen. We're going to play teen mom and run some errands in Hyannis, then continue this wifey business and make everyone dinner tonight when they come over.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sweeeeet summertime!

I'm totally exhausted but I thought I'd blog about my past two days, and it's probs going to turn into a novel because that's just the way life works.

First of all, I took my last final! My daddy picked me up after and brought me back to the Cape. I did not enjoy lugging my life down from my room. I can't understand why I have so much stuff and WHY is it all so heavy?? I unpacked (took me all day) and had a great family dinner.

Then I picked Ted up (who got into my car WILLINGLY not once but twice, but told Facebook he was kidnapped). We went to my favorite beach, White Crest, and I attempted to climb down the dune. No path=no luck, and Mr. Fancy Pharmacist wouldn't, either. I will give him some credit, though, he totally was willing to risk his dress shoes to go down to the water with me. So then we left and went down the street to try climbing down the another dune, which was completely blocked off, so we played Questions instead with the books I got him for his birthday.

See, Ted doesn't like his birthday. This is unfortunate because I happen to love birthdays and, well, I win because my logic makes more sense to me. So, despite his protests, threats of ending our friendship, threatening to never speak to me again, etc etc, I got him birthday gifts.

I got him the above book as well as its sequel. Naturally, Ted got mad at me for not listening to him (not liking your birthday just doesn't make SENSE) but he was still psyched on the gift. Mission accomplished.

Today I worked from 8-4. Sam met me at the cafe and we got Common Ground, then I got my hair trimmed (too short if you ask me, but Twig, Ted and my mom didn't even notice). She played with the kittens while I showered, and then I dropped her off so I could go fill in for my sister who was supposed to babysit but had cheerleading. I kind of hate that I let one terrible experience babysitting ruin my whole outlook on it, because it's FUN. I watched almost-two and almost-five year old boys, and I basically played trains and Wii with them for two hours.

I have to work tomorrow from 10-4, I have a doctor's appointment at 10:40, Ted and I are making dinner because I have a rich person's kitchen now (Mom decided to redo and my sister designed the entire "public space" of our house, it looks absolutely amazing), I have a surgeon's appointment Thursday (sad face), I'm babysitting 7-5 on Friday for the CUTEST little baby girl I've ever seen in my life, I'm possibly going to a party Friday night, I'm hosting a party Saturday night when Katie FINALLY comes home... yeah.

Life is really, really good.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

You can tell finals are coming up...

because I think it's totally acceptable to dance around in my PJs to club music all by myself in my room, my side of the room is a f'n disaster area even though I just cleaned it yesterday, there's a towel on the floor to catch the water from the defrosting fridge, it's nearly 11 at night and I have no plans to sleep, my planner for my first week at home is full... you know. The usual.

I'm pretty surprised that my finals are coming up so soon. This semester FLEW by. Plus, Katie's finals don't even start until the day after I'm done, which is weird. I was trying to pack up my room yesterday, and I packed a bunch of clothes, but it's proving to be difficult. I don't WANNA take down my posters and stuff yet!

Anyway, I just got off the phone with Ted, who called me deprived. Yo, trick, just because I've never seen any of the Back to the Futures or been to batting cages...! Okay, yeah, that makes me a little deprived. Whatever.

But he came up with the best idea I think I've ever heard. We're going to make a big list of things I've never done and do them all this summer. Ummm HELLO best summer ever! I'm even more excited than I already was. Sad thing is, I only have two things so far, because I can never think of this stuff. Oooops!

Monday, May 2, 2011


So I had my last day of classes today and while I was on my break, I was creepin' Facebook (naturally). I saw that my cousin was going to the Red Sox game and I was jello (jealous, for all you non-abreviating girls out there). I was texting him in statistics and we were shooting the breeze about school and everything, then it dawned on me...

Why can't I go to the Red Sox game, too?

Cue texts (statistics...? What?). Text to my mom, seeing if the offer about her paying still stood. She said yes. Word, thanks Mama. Text to Katie. "If I can find inexpensive tickets to the Red Sox game tonight will you come?" She said yes, pending on the time and the price. Text to Cap, asking if he'd go. No answer (you missed out, sucker).

I'm getting excited now. Now onto my next class, English. Text to Ted, "Are you working tonight/early tomorrow?". Neither. "Want to go to the Red Sox game with me?? 75% chance I'm going, will know when I'm out of class."

Get out of class. All but run to my dorm, throw my bag down, log onto StubHub.com. Tickets for tonight's game? FIVE DOLLARS EACH. Purchased and printed out at 5:30, less than two hours before the game. Problem: Only three committed friends, had to buy four tickets. Solution? SPRING, LET'S GO SEE THE RED SOX.

Shower, dinner, whatever whatever. Meet Ted on the corner of Schemman's campus, head straight to the Simmons' quad. Meet Katie and Spring. Walk down to Fenway (I love living here, omigawd). Get our seats (SOOOO GOOOOOD), Ted goes to get beer for himself, Spring makes friends with the guys next to us, Katie makes friends with the guys in front of us who hand over their beers to Katie and Spring, I take one of Ted's cups and we split that and I have to say that there is nothing better than an ice cold beer and a Red Sox game with my good friends.

Sorry Dad... is that weird for you to read? It's the truth, though! Love you!

Anyway, we had the worlds best time. We were even on the Jumbotron during Sweet Caroline! After that, both Ted and I got texts from random people telling us that they saw us on TV. We saw them hit homeruns and we won!

After we left, Ted informed us that when we were on the Jumbotron we were actually on national television. Cue girly screams. Oh, my God, so amazing! I had the BEST time ever and I love my friends so much!

Ps: Also, I Skyped with Ryan last week! He can stand and walk! Oh my baby Godbrother, so strong!