Monday, October 4, 2010

Um Katie's updating more than me??

Sorry I've been MIA lately, but after I took that horrific math test (which I got an 86% on, thank you very much!) I was feeling sick so I went home to recuperate over a long weekend. And at home I really didn't have much to update on. This weekend is another long one (an official this time, though!) which I'm very excited about.

Hm let's see, what else has been going on...? Not much.

My apologies for the bad update, but here have a picture.

Edit: Oh, oh, oh! I got a Halloween costume for a pre-Halloween party this weekend. I left it at home, so I can only guess now what it looks like. Something like

this. If not that exact thing. And my roommate is loaning me her boots that look like the ones in the picture. This costume was on sale, thank you very much!

I'm so ready to crawl into bed as it is now 10:28 at night. If only the people in the hall would hush.

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