My name is Stephanie, I'm a nineteen year old psychology student studying in Boston. I attend a small, private college in the city but I've lived in a small beachside town my entire life. Contradiction? Oh, I certainly think so.
On one hand, I'm a total born and bred beach bum. I have a cutesy pink surfboard, an extensive bikini collection, and one trusty pair of $3.99 black flip flops I wear with everything from yesterday's shorts to my so-called evening attire (a sundress?). At home, I've always been shy and timid, not really one to go out. At home, most of my nights are spent with my closest friends just... hanging out.
The other side of me, however, no one has met yet. Hell, I've barely even met her. Her name is Stephanie, too, but she's completely different from the girl on the beach. This particular Stephanie actually enjoys wearing three inch heels. She loves her party dresses, shopping, and soy decaf cappuccinos at Starbucks. She's a completely different person in Boston than in that teeny tiny beach town. Boston Stephanie is everything the old me wishes she were.

I was bored one day and made that, which aptly compares the person I am/was, to the person I am/will be. Click it, it will make it bigger.
I'm more than ready for this transition. I've long outgrown this town. Bring it on.
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