Okay so I just, just, just finished my Psychodynamic Theory Of Personality (applied to relationships) midterm essay due tomorrow, and now I'm taking some much needed de-stress time to eat my strawberry ice cream and blog a little bit.
I very easily could start spilling my guts about college and all this other emotional, pent up crap that I have stewing away in my brain, but I'm not going to do that. For one thing, it would be long and embarrassing, and for another, it would make me sad which would just make me want to shop and spend money that I simply can't be spending right about now. Not if I want to go to Italy in May...
Which I will be, with the lovely Katie! Ah I'm so excited for it, but more details to come later, since we have a good few months to go before we can pack our bags...
We went for a walk today down to the rose garden and past the MFA, which was nice. I have a seriously bad sinus headache and am simply full of complaints right about now.
Want to see my to-do list? I know you do!
1. Study for my Theory of Personality Midterm.
2. Take down notes for the case presentation I have to do Monday for Philosophy of Law.
3. Bullet point and organize notes for Theory of Adulthood and Aging for the exam Monday.
4. Figure out what the heck is going on in math.
Oh so in other news:

(Ignore that overtired chick holding my concert tickets)
We're going to see (don't laugh) 3oh!3 in Providence next week! I can't wait, it's going to be such an adventure. :) Because I hate driving in the city and we have to find our way not only to the venue, which Katie and I have been to before and if I remember correctly it was a pain to get to, but to Brown University to visit a friend. I hope Katie and Sam are as ready as I am to get lost a million times...!
Edited, the next day: I don't know why people think the end of the hall is a good place to have a private conversation. I can hear every word. :(